Enraged Hearing...Part 24

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Lex's eyes went huge. She looked over and saw a huge Yautja male appear from under his cloaking device. The metal rod revealed itself to be a combi-stick. Lex stared in disbelief.

The Yautja male approached them slowly. One other male revealed himself. Derrick, Reno and Thomas stood frozen. The Yautja males approached the human males and drew weapons. Holly screamed. The Yautja male who threw the combi-stick approached Lex and Charles, he reached down and pulled his combi-stick from Charles's body. He scented the air and looked at Lex. He tilted his head and trilled. He moved to her and approached her. Lex moved back. Lex knew this was not Scar. Scar was a bit taller. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up. "Hey!!!" Screamed Thomas. The other Yautja male roared at Thomas, preparing to attack. The male holding Lex's wrist stood stock still studying her.

She smelled familiar, there was a particular musk laced with her own scent. Nelkir noticed her mark. He clicked and trilled long. Thomas ran to Lex and stood between her and the Yautja male. Thomas put his hand in front of Lex. "Step back!" Thomas demanded. Nelkir tilted his head and stepped back from her but growled at Thomas, she was protected. Nelkir trilled and clicked to the other Yautja male. He approached Lex cautiously. He examined her mark and trilled in curiosity. Reno aimed his weapon. Nelkir flung a flying star and cut the semi automatic weapon in two. Reno was scared to death, he couldn't move.

Thomas tried to pull Lex back. She moved from him. Pushing his hand from her. He pulled her roughly and she shouted, "get your hands off of me, for the last time!"

Everyone heard a roar....

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