Eerie Familiarity Part 26

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Scar slowed, he reached for a shuriken, he hurled it behind him and watched it cut into three kainde amedhas that had been following them since they left the cavern. Scar held out his hand and it returned to him. Lex gasped. He retracted the blades and scanned for more. He spotted one. Moving towards them, crawling up the ceiling. He fired his plasmacaster and killed a forth. It fell to the ground bleeding and screeching. The acid ate through the ground. Lex jumped and yelped trying not to draw attention. Scar checked the perimeter. He didn't detect anymore. He walked on, pulling Lex with him.

Up ahead Scar and Lex heard screams, roars, gun fire and plasma blasts. Scar and Lex began to run.

Holly was cowered in a corner. Derrick was firing at one kainde amedha while Reno fired rounds into another. Nelkir was fighting one with a scimitar. Fuldex injured one with his axe and his plasmacaster blasted another dead. Wikker threw multiple smart discs and blasted repeatedly killing three. Scar entered and targeted 5 with his plasmacaster. It blasted all 5. Killing them instantly. Their acid blood sprayed the ground. Smoked hissed and filled the chamber. Lex ran to Holly and shielded her. She reached into her pack and pulled out her combi-stick. A creature jumped in front of Holly, Lex jerked her away blocking the kainde amedhas tail. Scar ran to Lex and caught the creatures tail, pulling the creature away. The kainde amedha whipped through the air into a huge rock wall. Scar ran towards the creature and blasted it with his plasmacaster. More kainde amedhas appeared.....

Scar unsheathed his maul and killed another one, decapitating it, which lead to acid blood spraying the cavern walls. Another jumped down from a ledge, screeching. Scar swung his maul and sliced it in two. Lex watched. She was lost for words, he was incredible. Another rushed Scar, he dropped his maul. He kicked the creature, spinning it around, Scar grabbed the creatures limbs, avoiding it's tail, he dug his claws into its exoskeleton and pulled, the creature screeched and wailed in agony, its cries of pain caused several to cover their ears. Scar pulled the creature apart, splitting it into two halves. The decimation of the creature caused it's acid blood to spray Scars chest armor, Scar was unaffected, his armor was reinforced with the exoskeleton of the queen kainde amedha Scar defeated to earn his upgraded ship. Lex, Derrick and Holly kneeled staring at Scar in astonishment. Nelkir, Fuldex and Wikker looked on in silence, mesmerized. Thomas was terrified of the sight.

One jumped in front of Holly and Lex. Holly shrieked. Lex ducked avoiding its tail. Lex extended her combi-stick, lunged forward and impaled it, pushing it in as hard as she could, the creature shrieked and hissed. Shooting out its inner jaw, Lex jumped forward, impaling the creature into the ground. It let out an earsplitting screech, Lex pushed it in further. She kicked the creature repeatedly. Injuring its tail, she threw her hunting knife into its skull. The black serpent slithered on the ground and died. She stood over it breathing hard. She retracted her combi-stick and glanced up to see everyone staring at her.

The young Yautja males were impressed and dumbstruck!

She'd killed a kainde amedha single handedly. Lex's eyes darted towards Wikker, she extended her combi-stick and threw it at him. It flew past him, impaling another through its skull into the wall, she threw her hunting knife hitting the creature square in the chest.

Everyone turned to look at her, then to the impaled creature, then averted their eyes back to her. Scar was proud. She was an exceptional mate and would sire him strong offspring.

Lex slowly walked to her combi-stick, retracted it and her melting hunting knife and walked back to Holly. The creature fell in a heap, acid blood spilling onto the ground. There were carcasses strewn all over the place. It was silent.

The young warriors looked at Lex then to Scar who was staring at Lex. Scar clicked. Fuldex, Nelkir and Wikker went to work gathering their trophies, branding themselves and admiring their new marks. Derrick, Holly, Reno and a semi-conscious Thomas all looked at Lex then to the blooded males, who were skinning the kainde amedhas. The team was shocked. Thomas wondered how Lex had one of their weapons. Lex went about checking her supplies. Completely oblivious, unbothered and thoroughly accustomed to this part of their ritual.

Holly felt like she needed to puke. Derrick noticed Dr. Kerbow's head in Wikker's sack. Reno noticed Mark's hand hanging from a string around Nelkir's neck. Fuldex seemed to have a bloody human finger. There were multiple kainde amedha pieces now adored on them and in their sacks. The three went about acquiring a kainde amedha skull. Each male mutilated a carcass for themselves. Ripping out inner jaws, fingers, tails, parts of their spines. They left nothing untouched. The oomans looked on in shock and disgust. Scar approached Lex, Holly screamed and ran behind Derrick and Reno. Scar paused and lifted Lex from the ground, he pulled her to him. His strength amazed everyone. He clicked and barked orders to the blooded males. Scar guided her into a different cavern.

"Are you alright?" He asked her. "I'm fine. I'm a bit overwhelmed!!" Lex admitted. His voice was deep. She was turned on, she wanted him. Scar pulled her to him and hugged her. She hugged him in return. "You fought bravely! We have to get you out of here!" Scar told her.

She pulled from him roughly. "I am not leaving here without you!" She whispered angrily. "Lex..." "No!" She nearly shouted. "I can not lose you." He told her. She groaned and pushed him. He grabbed her hands and pulled her to him. He cradled her head and hugged her tightly. "We have to keep moving." He told her. She nodded.

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