Reasons Part 43

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Lex woke to a knocking at the door. She was on top of Scar. Her breasts were pressed to his chest. One of his hands held her ass and the other was wrapped around her waist. Her cunt was warm against his groin. Scar was gradually waking, having heard the knocking as well. Scar clicked and growled lowly. Lex looked to him and his face darkened with anger. He started to move. "Scar..........NO!" She said hastily reaching for him, stopping his movements. 'Vincent'.....she thought. Could only be him if Scar is reacting this way.

"Scar, stay here. PLEASE!".....She told him. He was aggravated. Lex left the bed and pulled on a pair of leggings and her Star Wars t-shirt. She left the bedroom and passed a mirror......she looked rough, her makeup was a mess and her hair was everywhere. She quickly put her hair in a top knot and answered the door. "Who is it?" "Uh.... It's Vincent." She opened the door and tried to conceal her sexed up appearance. "Hi, is everything ok?" She asked. "Yes, I um......I just wanted to catch you before you checked out. I wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't mean to come on too strong." Vincent told her nervously. Scar stood listening. He was incensed. "It's ok. I appreciate the apology. It's not needed. I appreciate you listening and understanding that I'm not dating." She said clearly. Vincent shook his head. "Ok, yes, I understand you're not dating but would it be possible to have breakfast with me? He asked. Lex could hear Scars mandibles clicking. "I don't think so. I have to get going but thanks." She told him quickly. "Ok, no problem. Thanks again for attending last night." "Yes, you're welcome. Have a good day." "You too." She closed the door, locked it and walked back to the bedroom.

Scar was there, standing like a general. He was beyond irritated. She looked at him and took a deep breath. "Thank you for staying here. Please don't be upset." She told him looking a bit fearful. "Who is he?" He asked clicking angrily. "Absolutely no one!" She answered. "Why was he here, twice?" He asked. "He's an acquaintance, I gave him a list of guides and best places to climb. That's all." She told him. He stared at her. "An acquaintance. He seems more comfortable than what that word means. I do not like it. He desires you." He told her. "I am not interested in him, clearly!" She said with sass while pointing to her ring. The diamond on her finger caught him off guard. She walked passed him and to the bathroom. He followed her, she put her hand to his chest and gently pushed him back. "You're spoiled!" She told him laughing under her breath "and you're jealous, such a deadly combination!" She pushed him from the doorway and closed it. He stood there, pacing and playing her words over and over in his head. He went to his gear, found a cube and chewed it. He continued pacing, he fixed the headboard and his pacing continued.

She brushed her teeth and took off her makeup. She started them a bath and stood for a while thinking. He was here and he was a spoiled rotten Yautja male......

When she opened the door, he was there. He stopped pacing. She smiled at him. He walked to her but she side stepped him. "Are you hungry?" She asked. "No...." He said lowly. Following her movements. She walked all over the room gathering her belongings. He followed her. She found her dress and held it up. He'd ripped it from her body, actually going as far to pull out his hunting knife and sliced it from her thighs. She held it up to show him. "Jealous...?" She taunted. "Yes, very." He answered. She put it in her overnight bag. She shook her head. She went into the sitting area and gathered her laptop and books.

"I've drawn us a bath. I want to relax." She told him. "Very well." He clicked. "Do you need to use the bathroom? I'm going to order breakfast." She told him. "Yes...." "Ok. You do that and I'll order breakfast to be delivered soon." He nodded. She continued packing her bag. She ordered breakfast and checked emails, she sat for a while thinking. Scar returned to the sitting room and stared at her. He walked to her. She stood and walked passed him to the bathroom. He followed her. She slowed the water and dimmed the lights. She lit a candle and undressed. Scar watched, staring at her.

Across The Galaxy By Nori Elan Where stories live. Discover now