Home Part 3

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    Lex was cold. She shivered. The cold eventually woke her. The comforters were all over the bed. Everywhere except covering her. The heating pad warming her feet had shut off, she hated the 2 hour timer. She adjusted the comforters and turned the heating pad back on. She stared out of the window, the snow was starting to fall. High winds blew it up into the air. Her eyes were heavy. She saw the faintest light far off. The snow flakes were reflecting on the glass. She watched the snow and thought of Scar. She didn't understand her feelings and why she always thought of him. Before she shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep she felt the slightest vibration. A subtle hum that aided her into a deep sleep.

    Lex woke another 4 hours later. She peered through the curtains and saw white clouds. Snow was slowly falling, covering the ground. She made breakfast, she rarely had an appetite. Wheat toast, kiwifruit and yogurt were all she could stomach. She sat on her couch for a while.

   Watching the snow and thinking of her life. She was always searching for a home. She felt at home in the cabin but something still felt missing.

   She found herself staring at her bookshelf. She showered, brushed her teeth, dressed warmly and went outside to admire the snow. She needed to walk through the falling snowflakes.

    She left out of her front door and beheld the beauty. She walked down the stairs and proceeded further. She felt alive and at peace. She walked and breathed in the cold air. Contentment...The winding trail led to tall trees and a perfect view of the frozen lake. She stood and admired the horizon and enjoyed the tranquility. Wondering if it was safe to ice skate. Her better judgement told her no.

     She looked on a bit longer. She thought of her father, her mother, Scar, Sebastian, the expedition, Weyland. She didn't have many people in her life. No place to truly call home. Her family was gone. Not many friends. None at all to be frank. She had her work.

Across The Galaxy By Nori Elan Where stories live. Discover now