Science Fiction is Real Part 68

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Lex fed Snowflake and her bird which she named Gillian. She rubbed Snowflake until it passed out from happiness. Gillian flew around the room, stretching her wings. She was happiest when flying to and from Lex picking grains from Lex's hand. Lex allowed her free reign in the room. She sat with her animals for a while. Thinking......

Scar was busy in the central command centre working sat coms, checking systems, stockpiling and loading ammunition, calibrating trajectories and travel. He was finally removing the glass case over terminal TSC.

Lex went in search of him. She entered the room and he was hard at work.

"Hello..." She said looking at him as he typed. "Hello..." He answered in returned. Lex stood back out of his way. "We will be departing soon?" She asked. "Yes" He told her while programming the ships terminals. She nodded. "I'm all packed." She informed him. "I am most pleased." He trilled lowly. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I am activating terminal TSC." He answered.

"TSC, what is that?" She asked. "Time Space Continuum." Lex's mouth fell open. "What?.....whoa! This ship, that's....that's real!?" She asked in shock.

"Yes." He answered amused at her incredulity. "That's incredible!!!"

"Yes, it is. I programmed it myself. It's ancient technology." He told her. "Not for us!" She responded with gasping breaths.

"Yes, we are aware. This button and switch can also activate wormholes. In dire emergencies we have had to utilize it to flee an enemy to avoid damage of our ships and or capture. It's useful but must be used with caution. Please, never touch this, unless absolutely necessary. I will let you know when and if this course of action is ever required or if all systems are flashing red. If you press the button, it activates a wormhole. The switch activates time space continuum. Never press it, it is only utilized during....a cataclysmic disaster. The calculations are a mouthful to explain. Any time space continuum calculations that are utilized aboard this ship will greatly affect time in this realm and time where we travel to. A mere few minutes in space through time space continuum can result in years passed on Earth and other planets and galaxies." He explained as best as he could. He needed her to understand the seriousness of such actions.

"You're serious?" She whispered to him. "Yes...Please, never press it unless we are together on this ship." Lex took several deep breaths. She was in understandable disbelief by his revelation and explanation. She knew there were alien technologies available that Earthlings had not figured out.

"Scar, how did you.....Yautja create.....or acquire this technology?" She asked.

"Many of our technological abilities, our advances are created and facilitated by our scientists. Some have been reverse engineered from known and unknown alien technology and civilizations. Once a technology has been developed or adapted and is safely utilized, we upgrade our systems, designs and specifications." He told her.

"Wow...ok...everyday, I learn something new." She said light-heartedly.

"You said mean other aliens?" She asked.

"Yes and no. Yautja have many clans. Hish are considered Yautja but some clans are aggressive and kill other Yautja for sport. There are also Bad Bloods, they are members of clans who have dishonoured themselves and their clans. They are outcasts. They have no honour, no shame, no code. They hunt and kill anything that breathes. There are also Yautjas who inject themselves with the DNA of different species, in an attempt to increase their size, speed, stamina, traits and strengths. All of these Yautja need to be observed, avoided or challenged and killed." He explained in a serious tone.

"Ohhhh.....ok....well..." Lex's body slumped. She started feeling nervous. Scar switched fields in his mask. He observed her elevated heart rate and her pulse, her lungs expanding and her pupils dilating. He walked to her slowly then stopped. He didn't want to alarm her further. "Lex, please...come to me." She walked to him slowly. He reached for her, he hugged her and rubbed her back.

"You are safe. I will protect you." Lex nodded her head against his chest and stomach. He picked her up and carried her to his terminal. He sat her down, then moved between her legs and held her. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." She said softly.

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