Bliss and Tension Part 17

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They woke several hours later. Scar woke and found her in his arms. She was warm. Her body was wrapped around him. He cupped her breast. Her nipples were already firm and her breast felt fuller. He stroked her cheek. Mindful of his nails. Lex laggardly woke to the realization that she was being held. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He trilled when her eyes met his. She smiled and he stroked her back, kneading her.

"Hello..." He said. Lex moved to touch his chest. "Hi, you're here." She replied. "Yes...I am here." He whispered. "Where did you go?" She asked quietly. "I went to observe a Chiva and retrieve a very rare crystal. I did not want to leave you." "I see." She said sadly.

"Lex, I tried my hardest to return to you promptly. It was not my intention to hurt you. I should have advised you of my plans." He explained. "I wish you had." She said angrily.

She took a deep breath and moved to get up. She could feel his semen still deep inside of her, there was much left. It began to seep from her. Scar grabbed her. "Lex please." He clicked in panic. "How long are you staying this time? One day, two....only for you to leave me again." She remarked bitterly. Scar, loosened his grip in frustration and began to speak when she leapt from the bed. She went to the ottoman and retrieved her robe. Her pajamas were no where in sight. "Lex please, leaving you is not easy. I have suffered these past cycles. You do not know my turmoil." He confessed.

"Your turmoil!!!" She shouted. He walked to her. He was tall, colossal. "I know you are angry. I am here and I am sorry." He trilled lowly. "How long will you stay this time?" She asked. "I have 3 cycles." Her face broke and she stormed pass him. "Lex please." He grabbed her and pulled her to him roughly. "I am here. I need you. Can you understand that? I am affected by our separation. I am working hard to change this situation." He squeezed her arms, forgetting his strength. Lex let out a painful whine and whimpered at his touch. Scar noticed her eyes and loosened his grip, massaging her pain. He willed himself to remain calm. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Lex I do not want to be apart. Unless absolutely necessary and even then the separation will test my patience." He answered.

He released her arms and stepped closer to her. "I am sorry. I did not intend to hurt you. I sometimes forget my strength when I am with you. I must be more mindful. Forgive me. I would never hurt you." He told her. Lex relaxed. "I cannot believe this is my life. We are moving too fast. I have no idea how this happened." Lex spoke to him with sadness in her voice. "We need each other. Lex, I will have no other." Lex shook her head no, stepping away from him. "I think it would be better if you found someone else. Another mate. Maybe a Yautja female can understand and handle this situation better than I can. I'm sure the females from your home world are more equipped to deal with the separations and lifestyles....your customs...... I am not. I've never really cared for relationships and attachments. I've only truly cared for my work. I've worked very hard to be the best at what I do but this......this is beyond my scope."

Scar looked at her with fury in his eyes. He clicked and he trilled loudly. He took a deep breath and stepped to her. His footfalls felt heavy, they vibrated and rumbled. Lex felt her feet shake. She backed away and he gripped her upper arms with enough force to stop her movements. He was angry and scared. She scrunched her face in pain. "You stand here with your cunt full of my seed and tell me to find another mate. My musk is your scent now! I would rather cease to exist than take anyone else as my mate. I could never mate with anyone else and I would rather die than be without you." Scar admitted to her angrily. Lex lowered her eyes. His words were harsh but honest. She wanted him, however, she didn't like being apart.

Scar pulled her gently to him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her. Lex relaxed into his arms. Tears ran down her face. Scar could feel her sobbing. He rubbed her arms and her back. He touched her hair. "Be with me, be mine. Please. Do not send me away." He whispered to her. She looked up. He looked at her and wiped her tears. He leaned down and she reached up to kiss him. "I won't send you away." She spoke softly. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

"I want to soak, I'm exhausted and I feel overwhelmed.....drained " She told him. He shook his head. "I can draw your bath for you." He insisted. She was unusually warm to the touch. Scar walked her to the bed and she sat down. He walked to the bathroom and ran the water to fill the tub. He went to the living room to retrieve his lounge wear from the small pouch and a cube to chew. Lex went to the bathroom to relieve herself and brushed her teeth. She was tired. Mentally and physically she was out of it. Scar knocked and she opened the door for him to come in. He stood staring at her. "Are you hungry?" He asked her. "No, are you?" She replied. "No." He answered. "Do you need to use the bathroom?" He shook his head yes. She moved to the door. "When you're done, press the silver round button." She stated. He shook his head once more.

Lex went to the living room and sat. She was completely overwhelmed. Scars weapons were in a neat line in front of her loveseat. She couldn't believe her life. She kept thinking in circles. He was here. She was happy but already dreading his departure. 'Live in the moment' she told herself. She was to leave soon for Mexico. She would enjoy this time with him. Scar walked out and broke her thoughts. "Tub has been filled." He announced to her. "Thank you." She smiled. Scar was relieved to see her smile. She walked to him and placed her hands on his chest. "I'll wait here for you." He told her. "Let me settle in. Will you wash my back for me?" She asked. He shook his head yes. "Ok, please give me 10 minutes." "Yes" He eagerly agreed. She stood on her tip toes and kissed his mandibles.

Scar looked at her books. Lots of classics and how to's. Several books for dummies. 'Dummies' he thought.... 'Lex is not dumb.' He didn't understand the verbiage. He studied his father's combi-stick. He was pleased that Lex had it. That Elder Shomir thought her worthy enough to bestow it upon her.

His internal clock notified him that it had been 9 minutes. He had grown anxious. His toenails tapped the floor and he found himself moving closer to the door. Lex could hear his tapping. She smiled. At exactly the 10 minute mark he knocked. Lex invited him in. He trilled nervously. He walked to her and lowered himself beside the tub. He touched her face and she kissed his hand. She handed him the sponge and he washed her back. He started taking other liberties, washing her all over. She sat and simply enjoyed the attention and the pampering. He was going to spoil her if he didn't stop.

Lex rested her cheek on her knees and looked over at him. "Scar.......... what are you?

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