Organic Joining Part 8

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Lex lifted her head. Her lips were a hairs breath away from his mandibles. Scar purred and held her. He rubbed her back and lowered his head, purring in her ear. She felt herself melt. She gently kissed his mandibles. She ran her tongue over them, Scar groaned and Lex continued. Scar opened his mandibles, exposing his teeth. Lex stared at his mouth. She moved closer. She began to slowly glide her tongue over his teeth. She reached for his mouth with her fingers. Scar stuck out his tongue to lick her finger tips and Lex moved her tongue to touch his. Scar froze at this action. He was tasting her mouth. He was touching her tongue with his own. Something Yautja never experienced. In fact, Yautja didn't kiss at all. They didn't generally have a concept of kissing. Many Yautja males never experienced love. They hunted, mated, bred offspring and conquered planets.

Lex continued to cautiously touch his tongue with hers. She replaced her tongue with her lips and gently began sucking his tongue. She sucked and pulled his tongue into her mouth. She feasted on it's slightly roughened texture and taste. Her moaning intensified. The vibrations from her moans went straight into Scars mouth. He bucked underneath her. He grabbed her ass and squeezed while moaning and trilling himself. His hands continue to massage her. He loved the feeling of her curves. She was plump but lean. Her bottom was magnificent and he couldn't stop touching her. Lex wrapped her arms around his neck and under his hair. She pulled at his hair and sucked harder. Scar felt sensations he never knew existed. He squeezed harder. Lex exhaled the deepest breath that went straight into Scars mouth. They were both breathing hard and beginning to pant. Lex broke her kiss and threw her head back taking in much needed breaths. Scar was on fire. He wanted her. He wanted to mate with her. He gasped for air. His grip on her ass intensified. Lex looked at him and could see the fire in his eyes. She needed a moment.

"Scar, what are we doing?" She whispered.

"Lex, I want you, I need you."
Lex sat motionless.

"Why?" She asked...

"I want to be with you in this moment, please." He begged.

Lex sighed and her thoughts ran in loops. She tried to get up. She suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable. Scar held her arms tightly. "Lex, what is wrong?" She couldn't look at him. She tried to cover herself. She felt sick. She felt embarrassed, desperate and out of control. Scar held her to him. "Lex." She couldn't move or look at him. He suddenly felt her trembling. He cradled her to him but she pushed him away. She couldn't handle his closeness. Scar began to panic and in a moment of desperation he grabbed her face. He held her firmly and stroked his mark. He wanted her close. She sat still.

For several moments they sat. Their blood cooling. Lex felt fear. Fear of the unknown. Scar regarded her carefully. He didn't want to speak or touch her further if it meant she wished to leave his lap. He reached down and gathered his cape. He wrapped it around her and cradled her to him. Lex sat for several minutes in silence. Scar listened to her breathing calmly. He was at a loss. Without preamble Lex stood and walked to the fireplace. She dusted soot on the fire, extinguishing the blaze and turned to Scar. He sat watching her. Lex spoke "I feel overwhelmed."
Scar sat quietly. "I need to lie down." She told him feeling anxious. Scar nodded, "very well." Lex walked towards him and grabbed his hands. He stood and she guided him to her bedroom.

Upon entering, Lex closed the curtains and lit a small candle. Scar stood at the door. He was naked and extraordinary! Lex took small peeks at him through her disheveled hair. She walked to Scar and allowed the cape to fall. She reached for his hands and drew him closer to her. "Will you lie with me, will you hold me?" Scar stared down at her and spoke softly "yes." Lex walked him to her bed and climbed in. He followed behind her. She moved over, allowing him plenty of room. He reclined comfortably. He was massive in her bed. Lex was glad she'd gone through the hassle of purchasing a California king sized bed. It was sturdy and well made, built to last. Scar almost dwarfed it but he was still quite comfortable, as was Lex. Lex snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arms around her and felt the tension gradually leave her body.

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