Interrupting Time Part 35

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Lex and Derrick looked on, eventually looking to one another with the realization that something had gone wrong and the Yautja were covering their tracks.

Derrick thought this was the perfect excuse and story to tell the authorities and cover what really happened. The best reason to not go and retrieve any bodies or gather evidence. Lex couldn't help but feel worried. She started praying. "What just happened?" Holly asked. "There was an explosion Holly. I'm going to assume those creatures are dead. Nothing could survive that. That explosion is catastrophic and the damage reaches further than the circumference of the pyramids structure. I'm going to guess that everything has been destroyed." Derrick explained. Derrick knew better and so did Lex but Lex still couldn't be sure. She had no way of knowing. Lex stood staring at the sky. Looking for any sign of Scars space ship ascending. She looked for long minutes.

The fire burned bright. Illuminating the sky. "Are you sure? I mean those creatures......could they be dead?" Holly asked. "If I had to guess, I'd say that they must have stumbled across some ancient bombing mechanism or contraption. Just like the passageways we went through that were set with traps. That pyramid was sophisticated and the technology to have doors and passages move like a maze......I believe it is possible. We are looking right now at proof!" Derrick said. He was trying his best to get Holly to believe the possible scenario. "We can tell the authorities that something was triggered inside the pyramid that caused it to explode. We were not prepared and we all barely escaped with our lives." He insisted. Lex nodded and Holly slowly nodded her head in agreement.

Lex, Holly and Derrick stood watching for a while. Lex was rooted in the same spot. Desperately trying to catch a glimpse of something! They had to keep moving. Lex and Holly packed up their gear and they all continued their trek. They walked for several hours, stopping at intervals to rest. There wasn't much conversation except keeping their story together. They arrived at the base and Derrick went to work selling the story to the authorities, customs and government officials. It wasn't too hard. The explosion confirmed their whereabouts and their escape. There was no rescue attempted. The three of them were examined, briefed, interrogated, treated and eventually put on planes and flown to the United States of America.

Lex went to work booking her flight home and avoiding any interviews. 5 cycles. She needed to be home for Scars return. Her flight home was nerve-wracking. She couldn't stop shaking and tapping her feet. She couldn't stop checking the time. She prayed Holly and Derrick would keep their words! Derrick seemed to seriously not want to be involved what so ever. Holly would keep her word just to save her reputation and career. Lex prayed Scar and the other Yautja were ok and had survived the explosion.

Lex landed in Reykjavik and immediately traveled to her cabin. She was eager, nervous and worried. The 5 hour drive didn't calm her nerves. She needed to see him. She prayed he was not in that explosion, injured fighting or Lord forbid killed. Her thoughts kept straying. She arrived and all was well in her home. She had 1 message. She paced and paced. She finally decided to bathe and wash the clothes that could be saved. She'd burned the bloody clothes she was injured in. The v neck was ripped and torn. Her other shirt was covered in both her blood and Scars. She ate a small meal of oatmeal and drank water.

She drew herself a bath and soaked for well over an hour. She was tired. She kept touching her neck, she'd looked at herself in the restroom on the plane to the U.S. There was no scarring or evidence that she'd ever been cut. Lex was wired, she wanted to sleep but she also wanted to wait. Hoping he would arrive earlier. She curled up with his cape and drifted off to sleep staring out of her bedroom window looking up at the sky.

The blooded were showing off their trophies. They'd defeated the queen. Fuldex had landed the fatal assault killing her. He got to collect her skull. They defeated many more kainde amedhas but they soon realized they were outnumbered by facehuggers. They made the decision to decimate the pyramid and eradicate the infestation. They all set bombs and escaped to the nearest exit. They ran for over 2 minutes before the pyramids imploded.

The blast was cataclysmic! Knocking them forward during their escape in the jungle. Scar guided them to his spaceship. He'd completed his mission and had the skull he was tasked with retrieving for the Elders. They arrived on his ship and ascended into orbit. Scar wanted the blooded off his ship along with the skull and he was already charting a course to deliver the blooded to the Elders and return to Lex. It would take 4 cycles to return to her. His ship went into hyper-jump. Scar took over the controls and flew the ship at top speed. They arrived to the mothership and docked. They were greeted by the Elders. Scar needed a few supplies for his journey to Lex. The newly blooded entered and were welcomed. They displayed their trophies with pride. Scar presented Elder Shomir with the skull he was tasked with finding. Elder Shomir was pleased. The Elders were impressed. Scar bowed and politely excused himself and set off to gather the supplies he needed.

Scar was half way to the larder when a commotion broke out.

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