Not Fast Enough Part 38

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Lex had another night in. She'd shopped for new active wear and was planning to climb in Norway in a couple of months, the mountains there were beautiful. She'd started training and was working on building her upper body strength. Lex sat on her sofa and decided she would read. She went to her almost empty bookshelf and came across Lasher. Seeing the book made her pause. She immediately broke down. She wept for hours some days. The pain never letting up.

They entered orbit and honed in on a beacon. There were cloaked ships and the base set to a far outcropping near a water supply. The base was housed in the middle of a jungle. Scar landed his ship and immediately exited. He moved with determination. He was greeted by Elders. He bowed to them, touched their shoulders and shook them firmly. He informed them of the events aboard the mothership. Elder Shomir along with other high ranking officials had fled and were safe, all data had been retrieved and specimens were safely transported. Scar was praised for his quick thinking.

Scar bowed to the Elders and went to work retrieving supplies and charging his ships cells. Nelkir and Fuldex approached him wearily, they thanked him for saving their lives and transporting them to the outpost. Scar bowed and thanked them for their support during the last 4 months. He went to work gathering food. He stocked up and started repairing his systems. His hyper-jump system needed new parts and configuration. Scar worked diligently. Never ceasing his work. He couldn't think of anything but Lex. He ran diagnostics and went to retrieve weapons and medical supplies.

Upon entering the infirmary he stumbled across Keishll. She was busy treating wounded and unconscious Yautja males. "New name Scar!!!!...... you're well." She exclaimed. "Yes, I've just arrived." He clicked angrily. His Yautja sounded rough, even to her. She paused and looked at him. He was a wall of agitation.

"What happened?" She clicked and trilled quietly. "It was a disaster, I'm glad you made it to safety." He remarked, clicking loudly. Speaking in Yautja always reminded him that he was away from Lex. Keishll stared at him. "How can I help you?" She asked. "I need medical supplies." He asked shortly.

"Follow me........... I'm sorry. I know this must be hard for you." She trilled closing the med lab door. "What do you mean?" He asked. Keishll tilted her head and trilled lowly.

"Being away from your ooman." She answered looking down at him.

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