Yautja Supreme Beings Part 18

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"Scar.......... what are you?"

I know the name of your people are called Yautja and your home planet is called Yautja Prime. I know that it's many light years away from Earth. I know that your people are far more advanced than us mere Earthlings but I am a bit lost and ignorant when I try to understand what you are. I don't know. You are an alien but you still seem human to an extent. As I'm certain I am an alien to you. I was shocked when you spoke to me. You look... different. I can't really compare you to any living.....thing...creature.....humanoid....reptile.....oh my God. I'm sorry. I do not wish to offend you. I'm just at a loss. It seems that you know a lot more about humans than I thought and I know nothing about you."

Scar sat listening. He took a deep breath. "I am a bipedal sentient humanoid race of hunters. I breathe at an atmosphere that is similar to Earth's. We breathe 1% more oxygen and 4% more nitrogen than humans. I am highly resilient to physical damage. I am capable of recovering from multiple life threatening wounds; especially gun shots, certain plasma blasts, stab wounds, electrodes or electricity with minimal to no medical attention........I......am also able to survive radiation doses which as I am sure, you know is fatal to humans." He paused. "I have green luminescent phosphor blood. Yautja blood has the ability to partially neutralize the acidity of kainde amedha blood and many other poisonous and lethal species. Yautja blood also has the ability to prolong human life. Yautja have the ability to become invisible. We use active cloaking technology. It is usually embedded in our wrist gauntlets. I have thermal vision point-of-view, natural infra red vision, that..... allows me to see heat signatures, ultraviolet and night vision. I can hear a whisper up to 50 feet away. My bio mask allows me to see multiple point of views. Such as infrared or low light infrared, internal scans, radiation, long range sight and targeting systems. I am fast and agile. I possess superhuman strength and can learn to read, write and identify multiple languages and dialects. Yautja usually prefer warmer climates rich in nitrogen but we can adapt to any environment for at least up to 10 days. The netting we wear allows us to regulate our body temperature and we can adjust it when we are too cold or warm. There is more but those are my main attributes and characteristics."

Lex sat stunned. She was literally without words. She was silent. Unblinking. Scar didn't know if he should proceed or cease speaking. "That is unbelievable and incredible. I really don't know what to say." She exclaimed. "You can prolong human life? You are truly amazing! My goodness...you're so........ different, you.....your race..... extraordinarily unique."

"Do my differences bother you?" He asked. "No..... I'm just in shock and disbelief. You can prolong life?" She asked.

"Yes." When our blood is consumed or introduced into a wound it can cause a human to live longer than their life expectancy." He explained. "I think about you and how I've had sex with you. Not even thinking clearly or caring that you aren't human. We've mated......multiple times and it's shocking. It's unreal. I am just astonished at my life and my decisions." She told him as she sighed. "I hate that you can't stay. It makes me feel absolutely terrible. It's not like you've gone out of town or traveled internationally. You've left the planet!!! Even Sprint's service couldn't reach that far." She apprised him.

Lex looked at him. "It doesn't bother me. That you're different." She said. "I am not bothered either." He told her. "I am in awe, like I said. I'm in a bit of shock." She said solemnly.

He nodded and stroked her back. "I'm ready to get out. Will you hand me my towel?" Scar retrieved her towel, lifted her out of the tub and dried her off. "Scar......thank you. For coming back and answering my questions. I hope I didn't offend you. It's just hard to wrap my brain around my feelings and how we got here so quickly." She told him. "You are welcome." He clicked and trilled quietly. "Would you like to shower?" She asked. "Yes" He nodded. "Your towel and sponge are where we left them." She pointed out. He trilled softly. "I'm going to lie down." She told him. He nodded.

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