Same language, No communication Part 13

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He was tired, drained and hungry again. He lie holding her for a long while. She opened her eyes slightly and noticed that he looked from what she could only guess was sad. He was in deep thought. He didn't notice her watching him. His thoughts were making his heart hurt. He suddenly loss his appetite. "Scar".....he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked down at her. "Yes, are you feeling well, forgive me.......was I too rough?" Lex suddenly sat up. She peered at him. "I'm fine, what's wrong?" She asked. "There is nothing wrong." He answered. "Scar, I feel a change in you." He reached to touch her mark. "I am just tired." "Do you want to head back to your quarters and rest?" She asked. "No, I am thirsty. Are you hungry? Would you like something to drink or eat?" He asked. "Yes, I could drink some water." She told him feeling worried. "Very well.... Let us walk to the kitchen." He

Lex reached for her nightshirt and Scar dressed. He turned to her and reached for her hand. Lex felt amazingly special. He was so thoughtful and a gentleman. An alien but a gentleman none the less. He definitely had an honour code. They walked to the kitchen. Lex was sore. Her legs ached. So did her ass. She giggled under her breath. They reached the kitchen and Scar poured her a glass of water. He poured himself a tall glass of c'nlip. He drank it straight back and poured another. He drank that one too. Lex looked at him. Stunned but she didn't want to show it. Scar walked to a control panel in the corridor and pressed a series of buttons. Lex sat quietly. He walked back to her. "Would you like more?" He asked. "No thank you." He reached for her hand and led her back to his quarters.

Upon entering Scar walked to the bathroom and opened the door. Lex sat on the bed with her head down. Scar had started a bath in the corridor outside of the kitchen and it was finished now. He went to Lex and lifted her head. She looked up and smiled. "I have drawn us a bath." He told her. "Ok" Lex looked at him. "May I have your nightshirt?" Lex reached to take it off. She revealed herself to him and he stared at her. He took the garment from her. "I will sterilize our clothes." He informed her. Lex shook her head. Scar took her hand and escorted her to the whirlpool. Lex entered and submerged herself. "I will return in just a moment." Scar exited and headed to retrieve her clothes. He put them along with his lounge wear and placed them in the sterilizer machine. He opted to not wash her nightshirt. He returned it to the wardrobe with the other garments he had for her. He walked to the lavatory door and dimmed the lights. He went in and she looked up at him and smiled.

He walked to the whirlpool and lowered himself into the water. He sat across from Lex. He put his head down and took a deep breath. Lex started to feel nervous. She didn't understand why he seemed so distressed. She began to speak when he reached for her. He grabbed her wrist and gently pulled her to him. He sat her between his legs and he held her tight. Lex sat still. She wrapped her hands around his and he interlocked her fingers with his. He rested his mandibles on her head. He trilled lowly and began to purr. Lex looked down at his hands. They were so different from hers. He had the skin of a reptile. His nails were long and sharp. She touched them. She turned his hand over and looked at his palm. It too had the same skin. So different. Not to mention his height. Towering over 7ft. His hair and his face. All so different. His eyes were golden with a touch of blue. So beautiful. She held him to her. He exhaled. "Please talk to me Scar."

He closed his eyes. He was in pain. He had to hide this. "I am enjoying every second I have with you. You are the zenith of my most prized possessions. I feel honoured that you would welcome me. I practiced for months to be able to communicate with you." He clicked nervously. "That's very sweet. Astonishingly thoughtful! I'm so glad you are here. I've spent the last several months in isolation. No one would understand. No one ever could. I just can't believe you are alive and here with me." Scar began to caress her skin. "I am happy to have found you again. Let me wash you, please." He whispered to her. He reached for three huge leaves. He submerged them and he began to wash her with one. It smelled of lilies or rosemary. It felt like oil coating her skin. Very soft and lightly fragrant. He washed her all over. Taking great care of her nipples and vagina. He was very gentle with her. He washed her feet. She giggled and he trilled in amusement. He took two small leaves and submerged them. He instructed her to lean back. He placed them over her eyes. She relaxed and felt herself calming. He proceeded to wash himself and his hair. They'd made love passionately. He felt coated in sweat. He washed himself clean. He drained the whirlpool, turned on the shower and ran the water over Lex and himself, rinsing her clean. She washed her face in the shower. He reached for a cloth and wrapped her in it. Lifting her out of the pool. He dried her then himself and finished drying her back thoroughly. They walked back into the room. "We can head back to your home, if you wish." He said. "Ok, that's ok with me. I do like it here on your ship. Very peaceful. It's a lovely ship. I am proud of you." Lex remarked "Thank you." He bowed his head to her. She thought about how he acquired this ship and her mind spun a bit. It was still something to admire in spite of some of the circumstances.

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