SPLIT......Lasher Part 20

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Lex woke screaming. Scar opened his eyes abruptly and held her. It took her a moment to recognize her surroundings. "Lex..." He spoke urgently......she breathed deeply, trying to catch her breath. "I'm sorry, I......I....have nightmares about that time in the pyramid. I'm sorry....I didn't mean to scare you." She explained, whispering. He took a deep breath. He clicked repeatedly. Nervous....his heart raced. He pulled her to him and held her tightly.

He'd killed many kainde amedhas, many hunts and he never once dreamed about any of it. He held her and wrapped them both in the blanket. "Please rest...please. I am here. I will protect you." She nodded and closed her eyes. He rubbed her lower back. Trying to soothe her in every way possible.

Several hours later the command centre alerted him to a countdown for departure. He immediately felt gut stricken. Sorrow was an understatement. He lie there, staring at her. He was beyond despair. He knew this would be arduous......

He held her and gently touched her cheek. He eased himself from bed, trying not to wake her. He walked to the kitchen and gathered a few bags of the tonic and a receptacle. He filled it with sweet fruit. He stood staring at nothing, in a daze. He poured himself a glass of c'nlip and drank it straight down. He poured her a glass of ju'dha and headed back. He paused outside his quarters and unhurriedly entered.

Lex was still asleep. She looked peaceful. He wished he could take her with him. He bent down and cupped her cheek. She stirred and looked up at him. He touched her lips. She stared at him and her face instantly broke. Her eyes filled with tears and she lowered her head. He reached down and gathered her to him and sat her on his lap. She sobbed, "I don't like this." She wept and trembled. He shook his head. She tried to pull from him. "Lex please, I do not want to leave you. I do not want to upset you. I am deeply saddened. Please believe me....................... please drink this." She took the glass and leaned away from him. He pulled her softly and held her head to his chest. Lex cried. She pushed from him and stood up. He stood as well. She drank the water, reached for her clothes and dressed. She didn't look at him.

Scar dressed in his armor. Lex sat on the floor, facing away from him. He was growing distraught by the second. She tried to handle this better. More maturely but she couldn't hide her feelings. He placed his mask over his face, he gathered her parting gifts and connected it to his armor. He walked to her and stepped in front of her. He reached for her hand. She moved away from him and stood on her own. He was disheartened. He walked to the door and opened it. They walked the corridors in silence. When they reached outside the cold bombarded them. She stuffed her hands in her pockets. He felt himself already growing depressed. They walked in silence. She wouldn't make eye contact with him and she wouldn't take his hand. He felt like he was going to break. He stopped suddenly and moved in front of her. She halted and looked up at him. He stepped to her and she backed away. He moved to her swiftly and picked her up like a child. She began to cry. She wrapped her legs around him and he carried her to the cabin. He rubbed her back and she held him tightly. He felt her sobbing and crying. He wanted nothing more than to stay.

They made it to the cabin and entered. He continued holding her. He removed his mask then sat her on the kitchen counter. He removed her boots, her hat and her coat. He looked at her. He moved between her legs, he gripped her bottom and pulled her to him. He hugged her, pulled back and grazed her face with his mandibles. She sighed.

"Read to me, something long. We will start it now and finish when I return for you." He asked her gently. She shook her head. "I'll be right back." She told him. He lifted her and lowered her feet to the floor. She disappeared to the bathroom and changed to a pad, replacing the folded cloth, she washed her hands, brushed her teeth and returned to the living room. He was sitting. His armor off. She went to her bookshelf and reached for Lasher by Anne Rice. She sat next to him and he pulled her to him. He reclined back and she covered them with a blanket. She began reading to him. He found himself completely entranced and relaxed, almost catatonic.

Her voice was soothing. He rubbed her abdomen and relished every moment with her. She finished the first chapter and closed the book. She paused, trying to remain calm and not cry. She didn't want to make this harder for either of them. He held her. She turned around and placed her hands on his chest. He trilled softly. She looked at him. She moved up and touched his mandibles. He clicked them. She moved higher up and reached her hands into his hair. He leaned back. She moved up and kissed his neck. He rubbed her back and caressed her sides. She kissed his fangs. He opened his mandibles and she licked his teeth. He licked her tongue. She began sucking his tongue. She moved it in and out of her mouth. She was tasting him greedily. He squeezed and rubbed her back and her bottom. She moaned into his mouth. He dipped his tongue in her mouth and tasted her texture. She moaned and whined. Pulling his hair and caressing his neck and chest. She rubbed her cunt on his bulging cock.

His gauntlet beeped. Alerting him of his imminent departure. He squeezed her, crushing her to him. She broke their kiss and lowered her head. Her heart was breaking. He hugged her tightly. "I do not want to leave you." He clicked. She looked down. Tears running down her face. He wiped them, breathing deeply. "I will return to you as soon as I can. I promise you." She shook her head. She had no words. She moved from his arms. He stood and began to suit up. She pulled her knees to her chest. He moved in front of her. "I am already enjoying the book. Mona seems like she will cause nothing but trouble." Lex shook her head yes. He pulled her to him and hugged her. Tightly, he held her. He picked her up and held her to him.

He pulled back and kissed her then lowered her to the floor.

Lex walked him to the door. She could barely stand. He hugged her and kissed her. He put on his mask, "I will return Lex." She nodded. Her face looked pale, full of tears and sadness. He touched her lips and exited. She watched him disappear under camouflage. She collapsed at the door. Several minutes later she felt his ship take off. She stayed there for hours, holding her necklace. Staring up at the ceiling.

Scar flew his ship at its maximum speed. He couldn't focus. He paced....he found no peace. He trained hard and paced still. He couldn't eat. He sharpened his weapons and paced for hours. He prepped his weapons and plasma caster. He loaded pouches with weapons and rations. He reinforced his armor, doubling the protection from impact or acid blood sprays. He used the last queens exoskeleton to fashion a new type of armor for himself. He needed no risk of injury. He loaded his net gun and gathered as many spears as possible. He cleaned his combi-stick and prepared it as well. This Chiva was another mission as well. He was to retrieve a golden skull of one of his ancestors. It was buried deep in a pyramid.

Lex finally picked herself up. She wanted water and sleeping pills. She locked up and went to her refrigerator. Inside she found the receptacle and pouches of tonic powder. She paused. She smiled a small smile. She reached for the receptacle and eventually was able to open it. Inside was sweet fruit. She smiled. She grabbed a fork and a small bottle of water and walked to her room. She took pills, undressed, wrapped herself in his cape and ate.

Scar paced. This separation wouldn't be long but it was dangerous. Kainde amedha were cunning, lethal, strong and could multiply quickly. He hated the black serpents most of all. The Elders were sending more young unblooded males to their trails then usual. He injected himself with a mild sedative, gathered her nightshirt and blood stained sheets and laid down to rest. He needed time to expedite.

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