Chapter 34 o_O

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Candace's POV  

"There's no way I'm gonna go with you!" I said to him. He looked hurt which is really strange because I thought that he hates me. "Why?" He asked me. He looked so consfused like a child. "Because I don't know you." I said calmly and in a low tone I said, "Not anymore."

"And now for the presentation. Mr. Horgan please come up to the stage."

He looked at me once more before he goes up the stage.

"Um, hi. This song for the girl who I have known for years. We're friends but one day something hits me. I realized that I don't want us to stay as friends and I want us to be something more. She's here right now and this is her favorite song." He said and the crowds goes 'aw'.

Dana and her friends are so excited to hear him sing. I don't think I already heard him sing but I think he has a beautiful voice. I don't even wanna hear this thing. After what he said to me makes me confused. Why would he wants me to go with him? What is he trying to do with me? I was about to go home but then...

I stopped.

"What day is it?And in what month?
This clock never seems so alive"

He sang.

I'm pretty sure that that is not Dana's favorite song.

Because it's mine. That's my favorite. But how? How does he knows about that?

I looked back. He's looking at me. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what i'm going to do.

As he sing, he went down the stage and got a bouquet of roses. He is walking towards me and gave me the flowers.

Tears are building in my eyes. I don't know why. I don't know if i'm happy or sad.

People are looking at us. I tried to smile just to show them that i'm happy even if i'm not.

As the song ended, tears fell down on my cheeks. He wiped it with his thumb and then he...

He kissed me.


"I have something to tell you." He said. We are outside because he drag me here after he kissed me. I'm still not talking after he did that thing. Everyone is okay with it except us. We are shocked. Carl, Beth, Raffy, Stacy, I and Dana. "I love you, Candace."

I looked at him and then slapped him the his face. It's hurts. I know. I can see it in his eyes but he knows that he deserves it. "What? You love me? One second you totally forget about me and now you love me? Is is that what you do to every girl that you met?" I asked him angrily.

"Please let me explain. Please hear me out. Please." He pleaded. I wanna know to. I wanna know what is this all about. "I never had amnesia-


"Wait. Please. Let me explain." He paused. "I never had amnesia but I did crash my car. I let everyone believe that I have amnesia because I want to forget about you." He continued. Why? Why does he want to forget about me? "Reminding me of you going away breaks my heart. Every time I remember you, it just makes me sad because I know that you’re not here. Not with me. I never thought that you would come back so I let Dana be with me."

Looking at him is the hardest things to do right now.

"You still lied to me and I hate liars." I said then walked away but he grabbed my arm. "Please, Candace. I love you and I know you love me too. I don't want us to end up like this. I love you. I really do." He said.

"After all this time?" I asked him.



Whattup guys! I know it's short. I'm sorry about that. I really hope you like this chapter.

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~ Bea |(•.•)|

PS: By the way, this book is going to end soon! YAY!

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