Chapter 15

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"♪Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things it shine and life makes love look hard. Stakes are high, the waters rough but this love is ours♪" I sang as listen to the radio. I am currently driving my way to the school and luckily Its still early so I'm not gonna be late.

*Sigh* Life... Why you gotta be so complicated? People think that rich family is happy. We are rich but I'm not happy. I'm just not telling you that sometimes I hate my family. Money can't buy happiness. That's true because I'm only happy when I'm with my friends.

My aunt once told me that I'm the reason why my cousins are so mean to them. They said that I teach them bad things. But the truth is I'm just telling them what is the truth.

One day Julie is playing loudly. My aunt told her to 'Shut up or else I'm gonna spank you!' I told Julie that our aunt is only nice to her when her mom is near Julie. Julie thought about it and agreed to me then she told our aunt what just a told her. Our aunt said I'm a bad influence to her and the evilness start when I was born. What is wrong by just telling the truth?

Sometimes I thought my father hates me. I'm their only child and I'm a girl. His two brothers are not married but his two sisters are. He said no one will continue our family surname. He likes Daniel (my cousin) than me. Daniel is a selfish kid. He don't share things with me. I don't like sharing things with him either but my father wants me to because he likes him and his brother.

My mother is only nice to me when my father is around. I talk back to her sometimes when I'm really angry. She said that I am so mean to her. I told her that I got that from my father cause when he was in my age he also talk back to grandma. I'm just defending what I know is right. She asked me if my friends are teaching me things like this. I didn't answer but I thought No! My friends makes me happy and don't teach me things like this.

I arrived at the school and parked my car but I didn't get out. I stopped and let my tears fall down. Thinking about this makes me cry. All I wanted is to be happy but I don't know how.

Does love make people happy? I bet its a yes. Everyone deserve to love and to be love. True Love Waits... That's what most people says. But there are people that is still unmarried even though they're 40 plus. Are they still waiting for their true love? Well, Age doesn't matter.

Okay, enough of this drama. I need to get out of my car and go inside my school. Listen to the teacher to get high grades. Be happy. Go home, Eat then sleep. That's my daily routine. Always smile and Be happy.

"Candace!" I saw Beth and heard her shouted my name as I get out of my car. I smiled at her while she's walking towards me. I didn't see her this summer because she and her family went to Disneyland. I want to go in there to but my parents are busy.

"Hi!" Was all I could say.

"So I'm wondering if you could sleepover at me house today?" She said and I'm a bit surprise

"Why?" I asked. This is unusual. This is like her first time to invite me in her house.

"Because my mother and father are out of the country for one week" She said

"If one week then who would take care of you and Judith?" I asked

"Oh, Judith is staying on my grandma's and I think I could take care of myself" She said

"Okay. Let's go" I said and we started walk towards our school


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