Chapter 31

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"I would choose camping than to party all day." Carl said as we walk in the forest to find the best place to build our tents. We are currently camping right now and i'm still excited. All of the seniors are camping right now but good thing we could go with whoever we want and go in different spot in the forest.

"Uh, guys, it's getting dark in here. Does anyone got a flashlight?" Stacy said. She's right. It's almost dark and we still haven't got our spot yet. "Here." I hand my flashlight to her. When I was finding that in my bag, I felt like there's something missing and then I remembered what is it.

"Um, I left my cellphone in the bus. I'm gonna get it." I said.

"I'm coming with you." Carl said.

"No, i'm alright. I can do it myself."

"But it's almost dark." Beth said.

"Trust me, guys. I'm okay." I said. They all nodded.


"Gotcha!" I said when I found my cellphone. It takes me sometime to go down but it's faster than to go up. Good thing I still remember the way. I grabbed my phone and a flashlight then get out of there.

As I walk up, I heard someone or something in the woods. I walked faster cause it's creeping me out. I was walking so fast that I didn't see a branch of a tree so I tripped over and then another branch of tree fall above my foot and I can't get out. So basically my foot is like a sandwich.

I tried to lift up the branch of the tree but it was so heavy and then I heard that sound again but this time it's near me. I'm getting scared but I can't get up. Maybe I should just let Carl accompany me.

"Is anybody there?" I asked. This is like a horror movie. It's like chick flick and now horror. What's gonna happened next? Drama? "I need help here!" I shouted but there's just silence. I cant find the flashlight. It's so dark. I don't know what to do anymore than to just shout.

I'm getting hungry and cold too. I feel weak.

And the last thing I remember is black.


I woke up and I'm in someone's tent. I don't know where I am but luckily someone saved me but unfortunately I am lost. I reached my bag and took out my phone and dialled Stacy number but the bad thing is there's not signal.

I got out from that tent and I saw that thats the only tent that's in this spot. It's really creepy. There's something that could happened to me in here. I hope not. I saw a guy sitting not far away where I'm standing and he's just looking up in the sky.

'He's just my schoolmate so nothing's gonna happened to me.' I thought. I looked at him closely but not close enought for him to see me.


It can't be.

But how?

How did he saw me in there? Why him? There's a lot of person that could save me but why him? I'm trying to move on but we keep bumping on each other.

I walked away from him.

"It's dangerous for you to walk alone at night. You should stay here until it's morning." He suddenly said. So he saw me looking at him and walking away. Anyway, he's right but I can't stay with him. "There's food in the tent, if you're hungry." He told me.

'He doesn't care about you.' I thought.

"Where's your girlfriend anyway?" I asked him. It's not like I care but I just wanna know which makes me look like I care. "She's a junior." He answered. Oh yeah, right. I forgot about that. He's talking to me but he's still staring at the stars in the sky.

'We could see the stars together if you didn't have an amnesia.' I thought. It is still making me sad. It is still hurting me so bad. It is still breaking my heart. 'You still love him.' And i'm afraid its never gonna change. I'm still thinking of him since the day that I saw him with Dana. I miss him so much. Very much.

I was gonna go into the tent but I tripped myself again and fell.

"Ouch!" He rushed over me and said, "What happened?" He asked. "I don't know. I was just walking and I fell into the ground then my foot really hurts." I told him. He went inside the tent and came out with a bandage. He put it in the foot that is hurting.

"It's because of the branches. You should rest." He said and he carry me to the tent then put me down. He looked at me and then left. How could he looked at me like that and then leave me? 

'He doesn't care about you.' I keep reminding myself. 'He's just that nice.'


I found myself in his arms when I woke up. It felt so good but I know it's for a while. I know that I should take off his arms around me but it feels right. I looked at him. It's like he's still the same but he's not. I wanted to tell him that I love him but I can't.

I moved his arm carefully so he won't wake up. I slowly got up and walked outside.

"I still love you." I said before I leave.

"I love you too."


What's up you guys?! Update time! Yay! Please tell me that my update is so cool!

Oh guys there's one more thing! Watch 'Not Cool' by Shane Dawson cause that movie is so awesome. Let's support him in his first movie!

Comment, vote and fan!

~ Bea |(•.•)|

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