Chapter 22

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Stacy's POV

"Raffy, i'm so sorry for what I acted earlier today. I'm just really in a bad mood." I said. We are now eating lunch and I feel bad for being a snob earlier. I just can't believe that this is happening to us. We used to best friends but we are going own just because of Carl and Beth.

"It's okay, babe. You can just explain to me what is happening cause i'm not updated." He said. I sighed. "Before we left the school Jerich and I are talking. I told him about Carl kissing Candace. He got mad and we slightly fought. After that, Candace came. We also fought but it's worse. We said bad things to each other. I feel bad." I explained to him. He nodded.

"It's gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be alright. We're gonna find a way, okay?" He said while holding my hand. I nodded. Maybe we could find a way. Real friends don't break down for just a simple reason. We should be fixing this up together.


Candace's POV

"Um... Jerich, can I ask you something?" I asked him. I couldn't take it any longer. I wanted to know it badly. I'm not jealous but i'm just curious. "About what?" He said.

"Um... I saw you and... um... Beth talking a-a while a go..." I paused. God, why am I nervous about asking this? "I'm j-just um... curious. W-what are you two guys um... talking a-about?" I said then looked down to my food. It's so embarrassing. I could feel the heat building up in my face.

I looked up to him a bit and I saw him smirking at me. "Why? You jealous?" He teased me. I turned red even more now. I'm scared to face him now. "N-no. I'm just-

"I told her that I like you and my feelings will never changed even if now I know how she feels about me." He said. I'm right and they are all wrong. Jerich likes me not Beth. "C'mon. They're leaving now." He said. He hold my hand and then we left.


Beth's POV

I understand if Jerich doesn't want me. I shouldn't be expecting more from here but right now, i'm lonely. I'm with no one right now. Just like the first day in school. I'm all lonely. Don't know anyone until Candace and Stacy went where I was eating and asked if they could eat with me. I'm so happy at that moment in my life. I should fix this up.

I saw Candace and Jerich leaving, holding hands. I have to talk to Candace. Now. "Candace!" I shouted at her and then turn her around. She seems surprised. "Please, I need to talk to you right now. I have something to tell you." I said and she nodded. I pulled her away from Jerich.

"Candace, please i'm so sorry for everything I did. I never meant to take Jerich away from you. I swear I don't like him anymore. Please forgive me for whatever I do." I said and then silence came. She's not speaking. "Okay." She simply said. I smiled at her. I'm glad we're okay.

"I saw you and Stacy fought. Are you guys okay now?" I asked. She frown. Maybe this is not the good time to ask her this. "She's still mad. I want to talk to her but i'm scared." She confess. "Don't worry. We'll talk to her later, okay?" I said.

"Alright, c'mon. They're leaving now." Jerich suddenly said and we all left.


Carl's POV

"Where are we going to eat dinner, babe?" Alexa asked. She's not actually my girlfriend but we're like that. We are now in a mall and this is our last stop before we go home. She's one of the sluts in our school. She's holding my arm like she don't wanna let go.  "Anywhere you want." I simply said and then she giggled.

"Oh, I wanna eat there." She said while she's pointing at some fancy restaurant. We went inside. I saw Stacy and Raffy in there. Alexa saw them too. "Oh. C'mon, babe. Let's eat somewhere else." She said harshly and then we left. She doesn't like my old friends 'cause she thinks they're boring.


She kissed my lips. I kissed back. Our hands traveled around our bodies. I left her lips and started to kiss her jaw down to her neck and them I remember something like this. I remember Beth and I doing this. I remember myself kissing her like this. I remember everything we did.

She kissed my lips again and then my jaw and my neck. I opened my eyes and I saw Beth walking all alone. If I haven't change, I'd be walking along with her right now. She saw us and stopped walking. She looked so sad. She's staring at me like i'm dead. Alexa stopped kissing me. "Is everything..." She trailed off when she saw Beth. "Bitch." She mumbled.

Beth heard what Alexa said and ran off. Alexa turned into me and said, "You don't like that bitch anymore, right?" I looked at her directly in the eyes. "Yes." I said but I know that it's a lie.


Beth's POV

I'm not a bitch. She is! How could she say that to me when she doesn't even know me? Doesn't mean that she's a popular she can say things like that. She's a slut and I'm not. Therefore, i'm a better person than her. I saw then making out which really hurts me a lot. We also did that. She's not even his girlfriend or something.

"Are you okay, miss?" A girl voice asked me. I looked up and saw her. She looked a year younger than me. I often see her in school. She has this curly brown hair and light brown eyes. "Um, yeah. I'm okay." I said as I wipe out my tears.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Nothing. It's just i'm upset." I said to her.

"Don't be upset, miss. Everything's gonna be alright." She said. I know that but when? When will everything gonna be alright? When is the right moment? When is the time? "Bad things happen fast. Good things take time." She said.

"Thank you." I said to her.

"For what, miss?"

"For making me better."  She smiled at me.

"Beth, there you are! I'm looking everywhere for you!" Candace suddenly pop out of nowhere and said this. "I'm sorry. Oh, by the way this is-" I cut off myself 'cause i don't even know what's her name. "Wait, what's your name?" I asked.



Hi there everyone! Bea here. Here's another update!!!!! Yeah!!! Hope you guys like it. I'm gonna update next week, okay??? Okay. Oh, and whatcha say about Dana? Awesome right?

Please vote, comment and banana. Too too toot!

Lol XD

~Bea |(•.•)|


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