Chapter 17

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Jerich likes me.

Ha! Like I would even believe on that! I like him... Yes. But I don't easily believe on something like that. I mean I would be really happy if he likes me but he just found out that night and he suddenly said that to me. What if he's just joking and he didn't mean to say that? What if he likes somebody else. It's really hard to trust people. I know we are friends.

There must be something wrong with me. Maybe if Jerich confess to another girl that he likes her. That girl must be so happy right now and maybe not later than tomorrow, she is already his girlfriend! I don't know what's wrong with me. I just have that feeling that there is something not right.

"You don't believe it?!" Jerich asked sounding like angry or surprised. I nodded. Well I can't blame him. We are currently in my house, in the living room exactly. It's Sunday afternoon/evening and Jerich decided to go in here. Now he's here, I told him that I don't believe in him. "Why? What's wrong?" He asked

"It's just- It's just hard to believe. I have a problem of trusting people." I said. He really looked sad and angry and concerned but more of sad. He looked away from me like he is thinking. "I want you to prove it." Wait, what?! Did I just said that?! Ohh! That cause him to look at me. I can't see what is his feelings.

"I will."


"Why? Because I want to prove to you that my feelings are real. I really like you and I'll do everything to call you mine." He said. He's so sweet. Every girl would want him. He caress my cheek with his hand and slowly leans into me until our faces are few inches away.

I thought we are going to kiss but we didn't because my dad came in. I'm kinda disappointed. I don't know what to do. Dad came in! My father not my mother. What should I say? I'll just act normal.

"Hi, Daddy! You're early." I said then ran towards him and hug him. Well it rhymes. I wish it don't sound stupid.

"Honey, my work is not yet finish. I'm just gonna get something then i'm gonna go." He said then he looked at Jerich. "Who's your friend over there?" He asked me then he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, that's Jerich Horgan." I said smiling but before he could say anything  mom came in.

"Candace!" My mom said then she hug and then kissed me. She greeted, hug and kissed dad too then she saw Jerich. "Oh, Jerich." She hugs him too and Jerich look a little awkward. He's so cute. "Would you like to stay in here and eat dinner?" She asked Jerich.

"Oh umm yeah sure." He said awkwardly. He look nervous and I don't know why. After that dad left and mom starts to cook. Jerich and I just sat down in the couch as we watch a movie.

It's an awkward silence. We both don't know what to say. I hugged my legs and then I felt Jerich put his arm around me. He kissed my temple and hugged me. I hugged him back. I don't know why but this moment feels perfect. My face is buried in his chest and his chin as resting at the top of my head. And then he lie down. So I am lying above him. He plays with my hair and I just feel sleepy.


Carl's POV

"You're good at this." Beth told me while eating the pasta I made. I am in her house. I'm gonna crash in here cause if I don't she will be alone. I made a pasta and she like it. My mother wants me to be a great cook so she always teach me how to cook.

"My mom taught me how to cook." I told her and she just continue to eat then it's suddenly quiet. Beth look like concerned, nervous, afraid and I don't know why. She's thinking deeply. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She shakes her head and blinked. That snapped her back to reality.

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