Chapter 16

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Beth's POV

"Okay why don't we play Spin the bottle?" Stacy said excitedly. All of us agreed. We are still in my house and we decided to have fun.

"I'll just find a bottle." I said to them. I went to the kitchen to find some bottle. Now where did I put those bottles of mine?

"Did you find a bottle?" Someone asked. I turned around and saw Carl leaning against the wall. He is wearing a T-shirt that is really fit to him and you see his muscles. I didn't know that he is this hot. "Done checking me out?" He suddenly asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a bad boy sometimes." I said to him then turned around and keep finding a bottle. I felt his hands are on my waist. I blushed. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Sometimes he's hot, Sometimes he's cute, Sometimes he's innocent. You can't really predict this boy.

"I know that you really like it when I became a bad boy." He said in a seductive tone and with that he turned me around so he is facing me. He pinned me against the wall and stared at me directly in my eyes. I'm kinda nervous of what he can do.

He smashed his lips into mine. At first I'm shocked but I relaxed a bit and start to kiss back. His hands started to travel around my body and then he put my hands inside his shirt. I can really feel his 6 pack. His lips left mine and start kissing my jaw then down my neck. I let a moan escape my mouth.

"Maybe you two should be the one to get a room." Someone suddenly said and to my surprise I accidentally pushed Carl away from me. It's Stacy who said that and is leaning against the wall, smirking. "We found a bottle by the way." She said and showed us the bottle. I never been so embarrassed before.

Carl held my hand and said, "Come on. Let's go." And then we started to get out of the kitchen and went to the living room where everyone is waiting. We all sit on the floor and form a circle. We spinner the bottle and it landed on Me and on the other side is Candace which means  she's gonna give a dare. She have an evil smirk on her face. I'm nervous about this.

"So, Beth Riggs... I wouldn't give you a hard dare because it's just the first round so I dare you to..." She paused. " I dare you to let Carl put a make up on you then take a picture and post it on Facebook!" She said and everyone burst out laughing. My jaw dropped. There is no way I'm gonna do that dare.

"I thought it isn't hard! Please give me another dare just not that." I begged cause I don't wanna do that. Carl doesn't even know how to put a make up. I don't want to take a picture of my face looking like a clown and post it on a social network. I don't have Dense face like them. Its not like I'm judging them but they are the one who told me they have dense faces.

"Okay in this game everyone of us will have three options but we could only use it once. The first option is call a friend which means if you pick that option, you will get a help from your friend but the one who is saying the dare will be the one who will pick your friend.

The second option is another dare which means you will get another dare but an easy one. The third option is pass which means you can pass this round. And then every three round we will change places. So Beth if you are not gonna do that then pick one option." Candace said. Whoa we have our own rules in this game?

"I pick... Pass." I said. We started to spin the bottle again and it landed on Jerich and at the other end of the bottle is Stacy. Stacy looked so evil and Jerich looked so cute- I mean normal.

"So Jerich... I dare you to..." She paused too. "I dare you to wear girl's underwear then take a picture then post it on a social networking site." Stacy said and then she, Candace and I burst out laughing cause his expression is just like mine when Candace dare me.

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