Take Off

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Mercedes looks up when there's a knock at her door. "Come in!"

Marcy opens the door. "Hey."

"Hey. Did everything go alright?"

Marcy comes in and shuts the door before sitting on the bed. "I'm engaged."

"Yay!" Mercedes cheers.

Marcy smiles, actually feeling the emotion herself.

"I'm so jealous. None of the boys proposed to us."

"Didn't Sam basically propose to Quinn last year?"

"That was then."

"Don't Puck propose to you every time you have sex?"

Mercedes' eyes grow and she hits her sister. "Stop saying that so loud!"

"Mikey has a tattoo for Tina. If that's not a proposal, I don't know what is."

Mercedes giggles and points to a body part on Marcy. "You have Mal's name."

"I do. I'm going to have to get Ellen's."

Mercedes squeals. "So what's the plan?"

Marcy tells her all about their regulations and rules. She says that since she's going to be gone this weekend, they'll go house hunting during the days next week so all eight can agree.

"You're going to have your own house?"

"You're going to be living in Malibu!"

Mercedes blinks in shock. "What? No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. Pepperdine is in Malibu and that's where you're going."

Mercedes gives a watery smile. "I wish. Thank you for your confidence but-"

"Girl, shut up. I'm not wishing it on you. I'm telling you. I talked to Daddy and made it one of my conditions for marrying. You three get to go anywhere in the world you want for college."

Mercedes draws in breath but can't breathe.

"Calm down. The trick is you have to double major. One arts; one serious. But you get to choose what serious."

Mercedes starts crying. "You did that for us?"

"I've been a real witch." Marcy says slowly. "I'm not over this. It's not over for me. I don't know how long I'm going to keep a hold on this. But when I stop, I'm going to get worse and you'll be able to be thousands of miles away."

"I don't ever want to be a single step away from you."

Marcy breaks her own ridgid rule and hugs her sister. "I hate you least of all."

Mercedes giggles. "Where are you going this weekend?"

Marcy backs away. "Grandfather lined up a job for me and Mikey."

Mercedes' eyes round. "Mikey didn't say that!"

"He probably didn't want to scare you."

"I'm scared! Who else knows?!"

"Just us three. And now you."

Mercedes swipes up her phone and starts yelling at Mike in her native tongue after he picks up.

Marcy can hear Mike exclaiming he doesn't understand French.

Mercedes repeats her threats in clear Japanese.

"Why don't you guys come with us?" Marcy suggests. "You and Quinn can show Tina and Ellen all over Yokohama and Mal can give Puck and Sam the tour. It's only the weekend."

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