Movies at Midnight

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Mercedes opens the door before Quinn can ring the doorbell. "Hey!"

"Hey, yourself!" The blonde smiles warmly.

"I'm getting stuff ready." Mercedes closes the door and leans against it. "You can put your stuff in my room and take a shower if you want."

"I'd rather help you." Quinn blinks flirtatiously.

Mercedes laughs. "Take a bath! I'm almost done. Just finishing the popcorn."


Mercedes nods before Quinn can even finish her question. "Yup. M&M's©. Almond."

"I love almond!" Quinn bounces slightly.

"I know you do! Go upstairs!"

Quinn races up the steps and throws her stuff on Mercedes' bed before going into the bathroom. She takes a few calming breaths. Get it together, Quinn! It's just Mercy. This is no different than the old days!

A rival voice announces itself in the form of doubt. Everything's different. You only have one date to prove she belongs with you and you pick a stupid sleepover? tsk tsk Fabray! No wonder you're always alone.

Quinn shushes the voice but can't help remembering the words. She grabs her PJs and toiletries before going to the hall bathroom to take a quick shower.

Downstairs, Mercedes fills a tray with various snacks. The pizza will come at any moment so she puts a spring in her step. As she makes her way upstairs, she can't believe she's on a date with Quinn Fabray.

The things Marcy talks me into! She really can't blame her sister. She actually wants to see where this thing (as Quinn calls it) goes. Using her backside, she pushes open her bedroom door and sets the tray on her bed.

Mercedes places a small platter of meat and cheeses at the bottom of her bed. In a line, she meticulously sets up bowls of pretzels, almond butter, cherries, strawberries, chocolate and fresh whipped topping.

The portions are small to keep in line with both of their diets but enough to fill them up through the night with the pizza as a good sleepover should. Mercedes heads back downstairs with the tray for the drinks and popcorn.

After she places the large bowl on the tray, she cleans up her mess. Mrs. Jones won't kill her! She sprinkles grated Parmesan cheese over the popcorn to coat it and tosses in the M&M's©. She takes a few kernels to taste. Yum!

The doorbell sounds. She looks up then skips to the door. Sticking her index finger in her mouth to rid the digit of the delicious flavoring, she throws the door open.

"That'll be-" The pizza guy leaves off as his jaw slackens.

With a small pop, she removes her finger from her mouth. "Are you okay?"

He shakes his head hard, raking his gaze over her fitted top and tight jeans. "Uh... yeah! That'll be $12.60 no tip."

Mercedes reaches into her back pocket for the five and ten she has on hand. "Okay. Keep the change."

He hands her the pizza, his eyes roving over her form. "Why's a pretty girl like you alone on a ‪Friday night‬ eating take-out pizza?"

She throws him a puzzled smile. "I'm not alone."

His face falls. "Your boyfriend is here?"

"I don't have a boyfriend." Nope, I have two and a girlfriend! My life is a soap opera!

He grins. "Stuck with your parents?"

She laughs. "No. It's their date night. If it weren't for Quinn, I'd be all alone!"

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