The History of Minke Fabanges PT1

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"Why aren't there any pictures of Mercy, Mike?"

"What?" Mike's concentration is on his avatar on the big screen TV in his parents' den. He doesn't even know what Sam's just asked.

"You said you and Mercy were close. I don't see any evidence." Sam shrugs, though Mike can't see him by the wall.

"Got you!" Mike whoops and throws his controller on the couch beside him. He rises and does a small victory dance.

"It was fixed!" Puck throws down his controller as well and pouts.

Finn laughs as he sets down his controller in a normal fashion.

Artie wheels over to Sam. "Mike. Why aren't there any pictures of my boo, if you two are as thick as thieves as you've said?"

Mike looks at them. "Do you see any pictures in here?"

Finn, Blaine, Puck, Rory, Joe, Artie and Sam look around. Joe says, "None at all."

"My mom banned pictures in here after a few of her priceless statues was broken while we were roughhousing. They're all in the bedrooms or the sitting room or the hallways." He stretches and leads the way to his bedroom.

"So you have a lot of pictures together?" Puck asks as he pounds up the stairs behind Mike.

Mike shrugs. "I guess. She'll be here later." He pushes open his bedroom door.

The boys file in silently, never having been inside Mike's bedroom before.

"She's coming here?!" Sam is shocked. "Why?!"

Mike shrugs again. "I don't know. My mom told me when we first got here."

"You have a lot of cool stuff." Blaine touches the books on Mike's bookcases.

Artie wheels himself over to the sitting area of Mike's room, which also hosts many beanbag chairs of various colors.

Mike flops onto his bed. "Thanks."

Sam examines the pictures all over the room. There's a ton of glee club and football shots but more than anything there's pictures of him, Mercedes and... Quinn?!  "Dude!" Sam swings his head around. "Why is there a picture of Quinn on your wall?!"

The boys rush to crowd Sam in order to see.

"I have a lot of pictures of Quinn." Mike points to one on his desk. There's three pictures in the frame. One is a family portrait, another is of him and Tina and the last is one of him, Mercedes and Quinn at a summer camp four years prior. "That's my favorite."

"I thought we all met Quinn in high school?!" Finn is definitely confused.

"You met Q-Card in high school." Mike slouches in his bed to get comfortable. "We met Quinn in preschool."

"I thought Quinn went to Belleview?" Blaine questions.

"So did we." He picks up his football and tosses it in the air, knowing Quinn is going to kill him for telling secrets.

"Did you call her Q-Card?" Rory questions, legitimately confused.

"Yeah, when we were fourteen, she wanted to go by Quinn so we just started calling her Q-Card so it would be easier to remember."

"That's insane!" Puck breathes out. "It's like we don't even know you three anymore!"

"We have a deep history. One we should have paid more attention to in high school. But we're getting closer again so it's not too late." Mike's phone goes off. "I'll be right back."

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