Don't Sleep Me Over PT3

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The song ends as Mike and Marcy stop dancing.

The glee club is in shock. They know Mike can dance but this was so technical but fluid, so expressive yet tight. And Marcy was his equal in every move.

The group is blown away.

The song the siblings danced to was All The Right Moves by ‪OneRepublic‬- the one Mercedes wanted. They'd all danced and laughed and smoked and drank and ate but now Quinn wants the movie now that Lionel left and the trio of 11 year olds went upstairs to sleep.

So Mike and Marcy, as high and drunk as they are, danced to close out the music portion.

Kurt begins clapping. Soon others are, too.

Marcy gathers things in her arms. "We can wrap up your desserts so you can take them home later but I'm about to make popcorn."

"How do you make your popcorn?" Tina wraps her arms around the now seated Mike.


"Oh! Those metal ones?!" Sam gets happy. "It's like being at a campfire!"

Mercedes pats his shoulder (he's loud). "No, honey."

"I can show you." Marcy offers.

Everyone that wants to see gets up as she turns the TV on to a baby channel. Then she goes upstairs. She goes to her room to put her things away and check on the twins then comes down to the kitchen.

"Do you want help?" Mercedes asks.

"Sure. I need bowls, a pot, the kernels, the seasonings, the vegetable oil and butter."

Mercedes and Quinn get to work gathering the items as she turns on the range. They return and she sets the large pot on a burner.

She pours in oil just covering the bottom and drops in one kernel, covering it with the pot's lid.

Tina frowns as she leans against the island. "I think I've heard of Tanghulu."

"Really?" Mercedes looks at her.

"Uh huh. I know what Ha is though."

"Isn't it delicious?"

Tina giggles.

"Tanghulu is very delicious." Quinn puts in. "We can only have it on vacation."

Tina pouts exaggeratedly before giggling again.

Kurt looks at them but then he looks at Marcy, who's looking at them but feels him looking at her so she turns to him. "How do you like your popcorn, Kurt?"

Kurt raises his left brow, sure she was going to say something else. "Um... buttered, I guess. I don't eat much popcorn. Just at the movies."

"That's criminal."

She seems so serious, he laughs.

A loud ping! is heard and some of them jump.

Marcy takes the fully popped kernel out and pours in enough to coat the bottom of the pot before replacing the lid. She lifts the pot and shakes it continuously until a lot of pinging is heard then until it slows dramatically.

Puck's mouth is hanging open.

So is Sam's. "How'd you do that?!"

Marcy transfers the pot to a cool burner and takes off the top before dumping the freshly popped corn into various large bowls. "Who wants to go first?"

"To taste?" Sam hopes.

"No." She giggles. "For me to put seasoning on."

"I do!" Quinn raises a hand.

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