Staying Out

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Mal holds Marcy's hand as they walk around the corner to his home. They're both silent but thinking fiercely.

When they get to the house, he lets her go to unlock the door then grips it again. "What's the plan?"

"Tea." Marcy says slowly.

"With a bit of scotch?"

"You're going to turn into a barrel of scotch."

He kisses her cheek. "I love you."

She looks at him, a bit shattered.

"I don't want you to say it back. I know I messed up but I need you to know. I love you."

She stares at him before standing in front of him. She buries into his chest and closes her eyes.

He hugs her tightly. "I know. I'm sorry. I won't stop apologizing until you forgive me."

She says nothing before leaning back. She stands on her toes and kisses him slowly.

He doesn't mean to but he kisses her with everything he's ever felt for her.

She presses closer and wraps her arms around his neck.

He pushes her against a wall and lifts her.

She wraps her legs around his waist. Five minutes go by before she remembers what they're there for. She unhooks her ankles from his back and slides to the floor before pushing him away gently.

He gives her one last kiss. "I've missed you sorely."

"I've missed you, too." She goes into the kitchen.

He follows her. "What are you making with the tea?"

She gets the kettle and fills it with water. "I don't know. Something."

"I can make it." He offers.

"I need to do something." She shakes her head.

"You're making tea."

"Tea takes no effort." She begins making a tray. She puts five cups and saucers on it along with spoons. She adds sugar and milk.

"Make something small." He leans against the counter.

"Maybe chocolate covered fruit kebabs?"

"That sounds like work."

She smiles. "No, it's not. Get the chocolate chips."

He pushes away from the counter and goes to the refrigerator. He takes out chocolate chips and different fruit. "Are you going to make some with bananas?"

"Mrs. C and Papa Mike might want them."

"Stupid Mike."

"You're really mad that Mikey likes bananas? It's not his fault you're allergic."

"Let me blame him!"

She kisses his cheek as she takes the chocolate from him. "You stop that."

He smiles goofily. "Okay."

She melts the chocolate in the microwave then pours it into a tall glass. "Where's the skewers?"

He finds them and hands them over. "Want help cutting up fruit?"

"Cut up these strawberries. I don't want to mess around and lick my fingers and die."

"We don't have to have strawberries."

"Your girlfriend might like them."

Mal is blown away. He forgot about Ellen. He blows out a breath. "I'm sorry."

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