The Week Will Fall

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Mercedes frowns. She didn't check her phone's screen prior to answering it but there's only two people in the world who call her "Aretha". "Tana?"

"Duh!" Santana groans. "We gotta talk!"

Mercedes finally climbs into her bed like she'd been doing before she got the call. "Britt told me you two were going to Artie's for dinner." She leaves off how Artie told her, too.

"We did!" Santana says dramatically.

"How'd it go?" Mercedes slides down in her bed and fits her fist under her scarf covered head.

Santana is quiet for a really long time until she says slowly, "Really great."

Mercedes blinks in shock. "What?"

"I really like his family. His dad is serious but really funny on the low and his mom is crazy hot and her sass is at a ten. His little sister is too cute and she's quick."

Mercedes smiles. It's true. Artie has a great family. "They made you feel welcome?"

"Not at all." Santana sounds amazed yet giddy over the fact.

Mercedes isn't surprised by the Abramses; they're unapologetically them. She is surprised by Santana's awe filled tone. "What exactly happened?"

"It was kinda uncomfortable at first and they had this stuff called meatloaf."

Mercedes frowns. "What's that?"

"You don't know what that is either? Britt said she'd never had it until she went to their house for dinner and that it was good."

Mercedes pulls a face. Brittany eats off the floor.

"It was!"

"What is it though?"

"It's like a log of meat."

"That sounds really gross."

"It looks like a pile of shit."

"Tana!" Mercedes wrinkles her nose.

"Covered in blood."

"What?!" Mercedes pales.

"It has ketchup on it."

"Ketchup?" Mercedes rarely eats ketchup.

"Girl, I know! White people!"

Mercedes giggles. "So the food was good?"

"It was! I don't know what I was expecting but his mom can cook!"

"Yeah, she can. Did she make her mashed potatoes?"

"You've eaten her food?"


"She didn't make you her meatloaf?"

"No. She made a stew that was really good, fried chicken, chili and one time she made a pot pie. I really liked that."

Santana is quiet for a moment. "Hmm."

"Stop talking to me about food! After you decided you liked this meat log, what happened?"

"His sister asked me if Britt cheated on him with me."

Mercedes shakes her head. Lila is a carbon copy of her brother. No nonsense and blunt. "What'd you say?"


Mercedes' eyes widen. "You admitted it?!"

"I have no idea why. It just slipped out."

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