Keeping AWAY From the Joneses

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"Where's Baby Mama?" Puck leans against the locker by Mercedes'.

"She has a doctor's appointment so she won't be at school. We'll see her at dinner." She tells him.

"So I have you all alone today?" He tosses his salacious grin.

"Yes, we'll be alone at lunch." She shuts her locker solemnly.

"What's wrong, Mama?" Puck frowns.

"Daddy was supposed to come home last night. He didn't even call." Mercedes isn't a crier but the situation with her father worries her. "My mom told me not to worry but he never overstays at a conference. Once he thought he was but he called."

"I'm sure your parents will be fine, Mama. Some people are meant to make it. They're just having a fight." He pulls her into a tight hug.

"I hope so." Her voice is muffled by his chest.

"I promise you!"

She smiles and leans back. "I told everybody you were sweet."

"Don't spread that around, Mama! I gotta protect my rep!" He throws his arm around her and walks her to the choir room.

"I don't care about your rep." She looks up at him shyly. "I care about you."

He blinks then smiles slowly. "I care about you, too." He leans down and kisses her. "I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? I love surprises!" Mercedes' eyes widen and she halts.

He stops as well. "You'll have to wait until lunch."

"No fair!"

"Way fair! If I told you; it wouldn't be a surprise." Puck continues walking and the motion forces her to keep up.

"Okay. Fine. I'll wait." She pouts.

"Stop pouting. You're too cute to pout." He kisses her softy.

"Are you gonna kiss me every time I pout?"


She makes a point to pout.

My kinda girl!


"We have a song!" Mike jumps up.

The rest of the boys follow him and they sing Never Knew I Needed by ‪Ne-Yo‬ from the Princess and the Frog soundtrack.

Mercedes claps the hardest. "That was amazing, guys!"

"Who else has a song?" Mr. Shue asks. He's so relieved to not hear relationship talk; he'll let them sing whatever they want!

Mercedes stands. "I've been working on something with Finn."

"Finn?" Rachel asks. "When?"

"Last night." Finn answers. "Don't worry though. Part of Team Quick is in it, too."

Puck stands as well. "Yeah, Mama wanted to rock out. Called the best rockers she knew." He fist-bumps Finn.

"I've waited for another opportunity to hear your voices since that Marky Mark fiasco." Artie nods in approval.

Mercedes rolls her eyes before grinning and nodding at Finn to countdown.

After the last note fades, everyone looks on in shock.

"Mercedes, I didn't know you could do that!" Mr. Shue claps slowly, clearly in awe. "How did you do that?!"

She shrugs with a small smirk. "Everyone pegs me as an RnB diva. Yes, rhythm and blues is my bread and butter but I like all music. Except scream-o; I need my ears."

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