Picnic Evans Style

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Sam holds Mercedes' hand tightly as they walk over the snowy grass leading to their spot, the lake. He knows how much she likes picnics and that's something he can afford. Plus, he wants to remind her of all the other ones they'd been on.

They get to their spot and she takes her hand back so she can spread the blanket out. He sets the basket down and helps her sit before sitting right next to her.

She giggles and pushes him slightly. "Sammy!"

"What?" He throws on his lopsided grin.

"Why are you so close?"

"I don't ever want to be separated from you." He's teasing but oh so serious.

She knows. She kisses him lightly. "I understand."

His eyes darken. "Good."

"We're not doing anything out here." She warns. "There's too many people around."


She laughs her rich, full laugh.

He glows. He loves making her laugh. "Not even a little bit?"

She leans over to press her lips to his. "Maybe just a bit."

He's so happy and kisses back.

They make out for a couple minutes before she leans back, staring into his light broccoli eyes.

"What?" He rubs her arm.

"I'm just really happy to be with you." She admits.

His heart thumps. "Even though it's technically too cold for a picnic?"

"It's never too cold for a picnic!" She sasses. "But we should have done this inside."

"I don't know. I like how pink you're turning."

"I'm getting frostbite."

"Really? Cuz you look like right after-"

"Sammy?!" Her eyes widen and her mouth rounds.

He shrugs. "You do."

"For somebody who doesn't want to be around him, you're sure acting like Puck."

He scowls.

She draws her finger between his brows. "You stop that."

He loves her baby voice. For some odd reason, it reminds him of his mom and getting praise as a small child. His expression evens out.

She smiles. "So what did you make?"

"Sandwiches!" He gets excited. He loves sandwiches and he knows she usually eats sandwiches for lunch.

She giggles. "What kind?"

"Well I don't know how to make chicken salad and I wanted to do this alone so I made PBandJ."

"That's fine."

He smiles. "But it's the kind you like."

She squeals. "Yay!"

"Smooth and strawberry." He beams.

Her face freezes before she nods excitedly. "Yup!"

"Remember when I found out your favorite fruit is strawberries?" He takes out baggies of sandwiches.

She smiles softly. "Yeah..."


Sam and Mercedes walked down the aisle quietly, just enjoying their time together.

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