Let's Go to the Mall

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"Where are you?" Mercedes asks.

"We're coming in the north side." Marcy tells her.

"We're by Mercury's."

"Please tell me we're not shopping in Mercury's."

"It's just one store."


"I think I see them!" Tina's loud next to Mercedes. She waves big. "Why is she pushing a baby stroller?"

"She probably doesn't want to carry the twins." Quinn shrugs.

"You keep mentioning twins." Kurt says.

"I can't believe she wants them outside." Puck remarks.

"I don't know." Sam shakes his head. "I wouldn't want them out of my sight if I were her."

"Who are the twins?" Finn wants to know.

Marcy stops in front of the glee club with Mal and Ellen. "Hey."

"Patti! Who are the twins?" Santana demands.

"My babies. Duh."

"Tell me you're not the type of person who dresses up their dog and carts it around in a stroller, calling it your fur baby." Artie begs.

"Hey!" Mercedes is offended.

"No, Artie, I'm not." Marcy answers.

"So those are human babies in there?" He asks.

"Yes, Artie."

"Wow... You have kids?"

The club gasps.

"They're the cutest kids since Beth, who was the cutest since us." She switches legs.

"Thank you." Quinn squeezes her shoulders. "Are they awake?"

"They were." Marcy peeks through the plastic window.

Mercedes comes forward to check. "Mally's awake."

Mal takes him out. "Hey, namesake. How's it going?"

Mally gurgles and makes noise.

"Here's his pacifier." Mercedes holds it out.

Mal takes it and stuffs it in his son's tiny mouth. Mally gives a smile and waves his arms. "Wanna go to Mommy?"

Marcy reaches for him and takes him from his dad. "Hi, baby. You're gonna stay awake with me? While I get tortured?"

"Marcy, we will not torture you." Mercedes rolls her eyes as she rubs Mally's back.

"I'm going to wake Mickey up." Mike declares.

"Don't you make my baby cry." Marcy warns.

"If she does, it'll be over fast. She loves me." Mike takes her out of the stroller and hefts her high. "How's my pretty girl?"

Mickey opens her eyes as Mal fusses with her dress. She screeches and flails her limbs happily.

Mike chuckles. "I told you she loves me."

"She tolerates you." Mal taunts.

"Man, shut up. My baby girl loves me." Mike kisses her cheek.

"She loves everybody." Quinn makes faces at her to make her laugh (which she does).

"Gimme my kid." Mal takes her from them. Mickey brightens and hugs her daddy.

"Oh my goodness, that's so cute!" Tina can't take it.

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