Chapter 55

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**Alex’s POV**

It seems like forever between the second and third tasks. There’s been nothing exciting happening in the castle, unless you include the end of year exams. The third task is on the evening of our last exam and we all walk out of the classroom feeling very relieved.

“How do you think you went?” I ask Fred, linking hands with him as we head down to lunch.

“I think I did just fine,” he says, “oh.”

“What?” I ask, looking around.

“Mrs Weasley!” Scarlett exclaims from behind me. She runs forward into the arms of a short woman.

“Is that…”

“Yeah,” Fred says. I feel my heart claw its way into my throat as we walk over. Scarlett is talking to a tall boy with a long, red pony tail in ecstatic tones.

“Mum,” Fred says, “this is my girlfriend, Alex. Alex, this is my mum.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say politely. Mrs Weasley smiles and pulls me into a hug.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” she says earnestly, “I suppose you’re friends with Scarlett, too?”

I nod and Mrs Weasley shakes her head.

“She’s as bad as these boys,” she says fondly, “how were your exams?”

“I think they were okay,” Fred says.

We walk into the Great Hall and sit with the Weasleys.

“Oh, Bill,” Scarlett says, “this is Alex. She’s Fred’s girlfriend.”

The boy leans across the table to shake my hand.

“Keeping him in line, eh?” he asks with a smile.

“As if I could,” I laugh. He grins and sits back. Scarlett engages him in conversation again, talking about Egypt.

“I can’t wait for this evening,” Angelina says, sitting down beside me, “I hope Harry wins.”

“I just hope either he or Cedric does,” Alicia says, “I think we should have Hogwarts face paint! And costumes!”

“You mean our uniforms?” I laugh.

“Let’s do red and gold,” Carma says, “we can have ribbons in our hair and streamers on our wrists…”

“We can paint one half of our face gold and the other red,” Alicia says enthusiastically, “it’ll be so much fun!”

“Felicity says she has a surprise for us,” Lauretta says, “she said she’s just finishing it off, then we’re to meet her in the dormitory after lunch.”

I exchange a glance with the other girls and we all leap up and bolt out the door. We run all the way to the portrait hole where we have to stop to catch our breath before we can give the password.

We burst into the dormitory, making Felicity jump.

“Oh my gosh!” I exclaim. There are eight dresses, red with a golden lion on the front and gold around the skirt.

“There’re amazing,” Scarlett says.

“They’re cheerleading outfits,” Felicity says, “I’ve just finished.

“Cheer leading?” I ask. Felicity grins at Scarlett who rolls her eyes.

“I wanted to do something special for Harry,” Felicity says, “I’ve made shirts and pants for the boys too.”

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