Chapter 15

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**Alex’s POV**

“How’re your kneeletts?” Professor Kettleburn asks. It’s out first lesson of the term and it’s freezing in the grounds. The snow is still up to my knees.

“Any open eyes yet?”

“Yes!” Fred and George chorus. Professor Kettleburn gives them a look of incredulity and walks over to them. The class gathers around and, sure enough, the two kneeletts are peering up at us all through huge, green eyes.

“Well, fifty points to Gryffindor,” Professor Kettleburn says, sounding shocked, “none of my other classes have come close. And they’ve grown spectacularly! What have you been feeding them?”

I compare them to Rose. They’re about twice the size and their colours seem brighter and their fur thicker and more shiny.

“Mainly Bertie Botts,” George says, “and occasionally crystallised pineapple, as a treat.”

Professor Kettleburn shakes his head.

“I’ve never seen kneeletts thrive so much,” he says, “what kind of exercise do they get?”

“We throw them around a lot,” Fred replies, “and we do races with them. Fun stuff, you know.”

“What about you, Alex?” Professor Kettleburn asks, “how’s Rose doing?”

“She’s good,” I reply, showing him.

“She hasn’t grown much,” he comments, “and her colour looks a little dull. What have you been feeding her?”

“Fresh fruit and vegetables, just like you said,” I answer. He takes her and looks her over carefully.

“She looks a bit sick,” he says, “keep a close eye on her and if she gets worse then bring her straight to me, alright?”

“Yes, sir,” I say, taking Rose back. I sit down on the edge of the steps and stroke Rose’s head, feeling disappointed. I did everything Professor Kettleburn told us to do and yet Rose isn’t doing as well as Fred or George’s, though they haven’t been taking care of theirs at all. I watch them through them back and forth through the air.

“I’m hopeless,” I sigh to Rose.

“Give her a jelly bean,” Fred suggests, sitting down next to me. George sits down on the other side and offers me a box of Bertie Botts.

“No thanks,” I snap, “I’d rather not rot her teeth.”

“Have it your way,” George shrugs, fishing a bright green bean out and giving it to his kneelett.

“Turbo loves the green ones,” he comments.

“His name is Turbo?” I ask, “why?”

“Why not?” George shrugs, “I mean, Fred named his Satchel.”

“You’re kidding?” I raise my eyebrows at Fred’s orange kneelett.

“Nope,” he grins, “Turbo and Satchel are the coolest kneeletts around, aren’t you, boys?”

Turbo chitters happily to Fred and Satchel looks over at Rose, sniffing. He looks up at Fred and making a squealing noise.

“Well, that’s new,” Fred says, “maybe he’s not into girls.”

I think  of Noah and shrug.

“Nothing wrong with that,” I say. Rose jumps off my lap and onto the grass. Satchel and Turbo follow and they huddle in a bunch, chittering.

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