Chapter 7

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As Harry predicted the concert was amazing. Not only because it was his boyfriend who was the singer, but the whole show he made out of it. The live band, the lights and animated scenes on the big screen, Louis' voice, his lyrics and songs overall. At first he thought that it would've been less of a show sitting that high up inside a box but it only made it better. He didn't have to deal with other fans pushing him around in the crowd and he felt safe despite the large amount of people that filled up the entire stadium. Even though he was far from the stage he was sure that Louis looked up at him every once in a while.

After the concert finished Paul followed Harry down to Louis' dressing-room where the rest of the crew had started to be gathered up and in-waited Louis. Harry sat down on the black leather couch as he waited, knowing that Louis would talk and be with him last since no one else could see them together. Even though everyone else stood in the way of the door it was clear when Louis walked in. They all started clapping and greeting him and through the noises of the others Harry managed to recognize Louis' chuckle.

Eventually as almost everyone had left Harry got up from his seat and fixed his t-shirt. Louis smiled as he looked at Harry over the shoulder of his drummer while he hugged him goodbye. Everyone except Louis was heading to a hotel closer to the O2-arena for the night while Louis was going home with Harry. Once they were all out of the room Louis closed the door so they could be alone and easily hear if someone was coming. Louis only got to take a few steps as Harry had gotten closer when he closed the door. He smiled as the taller boy pulled him into a hug and buried his face in his chest. As they pulled back Harry looked down at Louis and kissed his forehead before he lifted his head completely. Louis smiled brightly and kept his arms wrapped around Harry's waist.

"So what did you think? How was it? Be honest." Louis said and looked up at Harry.

"It was amazing. You were incredible." Harry said with a smile and let both his hands on Louis' cheeks.

"Yeah?" Louis asked and smiled. Harry nodded and gently pressed his lips on Louis' and kissed him slowly. Louis smiled brighter feeling Harry's lips on his and kissed him back in the same way. The kiss got cut short as they heard a small knock on the door and Louis quickly backed out of Harry's arms. Which was definitely good when they saw Louis' manager opening the door and peeked in. Harry pulled up his phone and looked down at it, pretending that he got a text to avoid questions about why he was there alone with Louis.

"Oh, I just wanted to see if everyone had left so they can lock the doors." The manager said and Louis nodded and looked over at Harry.

"We were just about to leave, Harry was just showing me a picture he took during the concert." Louis chuckled nervously and Harry looked up from his phone as he heard his name. Louis could only hope that this wasn't the only time Harry decided not to take pictures.

"You managed to take good pictures from up there?" The manager asked and stepped into the dressing-room. Harry quickly unlocked his phone and tried to find a good one from the concert and smiled nervously as both Louis and his manager looked at him.

"Uh, I don't know if it's that good tho. It's after all on the big screen and all." Harry said nervously as he showed the picture to the two of them.

" Harry said nervously as he showed the picture to the two of them

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"It's good to be taken from there." The manager said and smiled. Harry felt his hands sweating as he got scared that the manager would be one of those people who took the phone and started swiping through the pictures. Then they would definitely be screwed. Harry looked up at Louis who seemed to be just as scared as him. He stood slightly behind his manager and bit his lip and kept his eyes focused on his manager. Luckily the manager didn't touch the phone. Once he was done looking at the picture he turned to Louis again.

"Don't stay too long. He needs to lock soon and you've got a bigger show tomorrow." He said and smiled at Louis who nodded and walked out.

"Okay, I'll just get my stuff and change clothes." Louis said and closed the door behind him. He leaned his back against it as he turned to look at Harry and breathed out in relief. Harry placed his index and middle finger over his lips and his thumb under his chin as they both tried to listened as the manager walked away.

"That could've ended so bad!" Harry whispered as Louis walked past him to grab all of his things.

"I know, I'm sorry, I panicked." Louis whispered back and took on his jacket and stood in front of Harry.


On their way home to Harry's house they stopped by a pizzeria to buy a pizza for a late dinner. They hadn't eaten since noon and they were both starving at this point. Once they got inside the house Louis carried the pizza upstairs to Harry's bedroom while Harry walked to the kitchen to get napkins and glasses for their sodas. When Harry came up to his room Louis had already taken a seat on his bed and placed the pizza box on the nightstand. Harry took a seat across from Louis on the other end of the bed so Louis could place the box in between them.

Not long after they finished eating and crawled down under the covers with their legs tangled together they both fell asleep. 

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