Chapter 23

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Harry sat on the floor singing along to every single song as the band and Louis started checking again. Even though John was clearly still grumpy about the situation, Harry kept all his focus on the others. Since he had put his camera away, he didn't even need to look at John through the viewfinder this time. 

It went perfectly with the lights and big screens. So did the instruments, or at least every one except one. The bass. It was louder than everything else. To the point that Louis' voice sounded like a fainted yell, even though he stood just as close as he had been the whole time. As the bass got louder Harry automatically looked at John who had a wide smirk on his face as he played on the strings with more force than he needed. They all looked over at John every now and then, gesturing for him to lower the sound but also towards the room where everything was supposed to be in control. Eventually Louis stopped in the middle of a song and turned to John who placed an innocent look on his face. 

"Could you lower it? What is it that you don't get by my hand gestures?!", Louis snapped at John who kept playing innocent. 

"I have! If I lower it even more it won't be sounding at all.", John explained as showed Louis his buttons on his bass clearly being on one of the lowest settings. Louis groaned and turned to the dash-room. 

"Could you lower the bass from there? He is taking over everything out here.", Louis asked politely even though he was pissed. 

Harry sat on the floor and looked at the boys on stage. He was confused, just as Maxwell and Tim. The man in the dash-room made some adjustments and they started playing again, but the bass was just as loud as before. Louis stopped playing again and groaned into the microphone. 

"Harry, could you go and check in the dash?", Louis asked and Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know how those things work, Lou."

"I know, love. But could you any way go and see if the things are equal? I think there should be names above each thing to know which belongs to who."

Harry agreed to go and Paul followed him out and upstairs to one of the boxes in the bleachers. Inside sat a man named Rick who was in control of the technical things. Harry helped Rick by checking and comparing the volume buttons along with light buttons. They tested different ones to make sure they hadn't confused the buttons with one another, which they hadn't. And John's volume was equal with Tim, Maxwell and Louis'. 

"Louis? We can try again, and I can turn up everyone else and see if it helps.", Rick spoke into a microphone he had inside the booth. 

Louis gave him a thumbs up and they started playing Kill my mind just to test everything out. In the beginning John was still louder than everyone but it started to even out as Rick raised the volume of Louis' microphone along with Tim's guitar. Though it was something different. Despite the even volume according to the buttons, the bass somehow sounded as if it was supposed to be the leader of the whole show. 

"Guys, hang on for a bit. I'll try to disconnect and connect again, maybe there's some glitch in the cables", Rick said to make them stop playing for a bit. Harry watched them through the tinted window and saw how Louis turned to chat with everyone except John, which visibly pissed him off. Harry could see it even from up there and shook his head. 

"Jealous fucker.", Harry whispered to himself which made Rick chuckle from underneath the dashboard. 

"Harry, do you think you can check the outlets further in. You're smaller than me.", Rick said to which Harry turned around and nodded his head. 

"I'm still tall though.", Harry giggled and Rick pushed his chair back to make space for Harry as he went down on the floor on his hands and knees to go underneath. 

Uncover pt.2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora