Chapter 4

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The following day Harry was even more excited since it was Wednesday and Louis would be coming home on the following day, Thursday. Harry had spent most of the day in Louis' house when he finally forced himself to go down to a nearby grocery store. Even though it was early March the birds had already started singing. There was barely any snow left and the sun was shining. Harry walked down the street with his hands in the pockets of his coat. While in the store he only bought some fruits and a small package of soup that he'd only need to heat up before he could eat it. Harry looked around while he was walking back to the house to make sure no one was looking at him before he entered the property. As he looked behind him a saw a couple of teenage boys on their bicycles. They weren't close and none of them looked at him but he still got concerned. He could swear that those boys were at the grocery store while he was in there too. He shook his head, it was probably only his anxious mind trying to fool him, and walked in to Louis' house again. But to be safe he of course locked the door behind him.


Harry was sitting in the living room couch and watched Friends as he heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. He paused the show, since he was watching through Netflix, and got up to go and check what it was. He breathed slowly and walked as quietly as he could. His heart only started to beat faster and faster the closer he came to the kitchen and he let his hand on the counter once he entered. He reached for his phone that laid charging on the counter and looked around in the kitchen to figure out if something had fallen or if the sound came from the outside. That's when he noticed pieces of glass on the floor in front of the window and as he looked up, he saw that the window had been broken. He looked around confused and scared and saw a stone as big as his palm laying closer to the kitchen island. He walked closer to look at it and saw something written on the stone. When he reached down to pick it up, a figure flashed by outside of the window and he quickly looked out. The figure wore all black and seemed to be running towards the backside. Harry held onto his phone and even though he was scared he still wanted to know who it was and walked back to the living room. He stood behind a big shelf and peeked towards the big windows and saw three people in the backyard. One of them was writing something with spray paint on the backside-porch while the other two played the parts of look-outs. Harry lifted his phone with his shaky hands and snapped a picture just as one of them turned around and looked straight at Harry. Even though they were outside Harry could hear him yell to the other two who also looked at Harry. He gasped and ran across the living room and towards the stairs. Once he was halfway up the stairs he stopped to catch his breath and unlocked his phone. While he tried to keep calm and listen to what they were doing outside he called the first person on his latest-calls-list, which was Louis. He held his phone close to his ear and tried to stand still despite his shaking knees that almost failed him.

"Fuck. Answer, answer, answer!" Harry whispered to himself. He only heard the pips on the other end before a voice finally came:

"The number you've dialed is unavailable at the moment. Please try again later." 

Harry looked down at his phone after hanging up and tried to find his mother's number. His eyes were filled with tears and his hands were both sweaty and shaky.

"For fuck sake!" Harry muttered under his breath since he couldn't see clearly and he kept pressing the wrong buttons.

All of a sudden it all went quiet and Harry looked down the stairs as he listened. Were they gone? He took a few steps down when he heard another loud noise, the same that he had heard from the kitchen. Harry gasped in fear and surprised but quickly covered his mouth and pressed himself against the wall. At this point his tears had started to run down his cheeks and his whole body was shaking in fear and shock. He heard all three of them laughing and what sounded like the glass door leading out to the porch being opened. Harry turned around and sped up the stairs and ran into Louis' bedroom. He closed the door behind him and pressed himself against it to keep it shut in case they would come up.

"Hey, faggot!" One of them shouted as Harry heard all of them walking around downstairs.

"We know you're here! Louis can't save your ass now!" Another one shouted.

Harry covered his mouth to prevent himself from letting out loud sobs when he remembered that he could lock the bedroom door. He locked it and in a panic he jumped into the bed for protection. He pulled the covers over himself and curled up in a ball, crying and sobbing with his eyes shut and his ears covered with both his hands. It seemed to work since he couldn't hear them anymore until he suddenly heard a loud voice shouting something. It didn't sound like any of them so Harry carefully uncovered his ears to listen. Harry tried to stop himself from crying once he heard that it was all quiet again. He breathed irregularly and his body kept shaking. He lifted the covers to look up when he heard someone knock on the bedroom door. He quickly covered himself again and wrapped his arms around his head, covering his ears with his biceps as he laid in a fetal position. He had managed to keep himself from screaming during these horrifying minutes until he felt someone climbing up on the bed and pulling on the covers. Harry screamed at the top of his lungs, unable to move or get away. Once his voice broke from the screaming he felt two hands pulling him closer and he slightly brought his arms down to his chest and breathed heavily. It didn't take long before he started to try and push the person away when he suddenly heard a familiar voice close to his ear.

"Shh, shh, it's me." Louis whispered repeatedly and kept grasping onto Harry to pull him as close as possible and Harry broke down crying again. Harry let Louis pull him impossibly close and laid in a ball in Louis' arms.

"You're safe, I'm here now." Louis whispered and rubbed Harry's back soothingly and hugged him.

"They're gone." Paul said as he walked into the room but stopped in the doorway. Louis peeked over at him and Paul shook his head. Louis sighed before he looked down at Harry who finally had lifted his head and was looking up at Louis. His eyes and nose were red from all the crying, tears were covering his cheeks and his lips were pouted. Louis removed one of his hands off of Harry's back and wiped his tears away with his sleeve. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist before burying his face in Louis' chest and Louis held him closely.

"I wanna go home..." Harry whispered weakly. Louis nodded his head even though he knew that Harry couldn't see it. 

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