Chapter 1

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Harry had been on edge ever since he started his shift at 12pm. He had constantly been looking around as he walked through the tables and into the kitchen and whenever someone touched him - he flinched. It didn't matter if it was someone who accidentally walked into him on their way to the bathroom or if it was one of his coworkers that wanted to ask him something about a certain table. And to be fair even though he knew that one of Louis' bodyguards was around the building he didn't feel much safer. He just wanted to be home with Louis. Meanwhile Louis was in Manchester preparing for his concert. It was the seventh one on his mini tour and the third to last before he was coming back to London. These 11 days had passed pretty fast even though Harry missed Louis, it felt like he was about to go crazy missing him. And to know that Louis would only do 2 shows in London and then leave to travel around the whole world didn't make it feel better. Sure, they'd meet up but it was nothing compared to what they really wanted.

Harry grabbed a menu and held it close to his chest as he walked over to a new table. His hands were sweating, his heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to explode out of his body and his eyes kept scanning the whole restaurant even though he tried to only focus on where he was going. It felt like it was his first day there and he had absolutely no clue whatsoever about what he was doing. He finally made it to the table where a lady sat alone. On the table she had placed some notepad, a pen and something that looked like an old mp3-player. Even though it looked very odd, Harry had other things to think about. He cleared his throat before he said the old opening phrase:

"Welcome to Little Italy Soho. I'm Harry and I'll be your waiter for today. Here's your menu. And I'll-" Harry said in a lower voice than usual as he handed over the menu and frowned his eyebrows as the lady interrupted him in the last sentence.

"Harry Styles, is it?" She asked and gave him a smile. He looked around confused and frowned his eyebrows even more.

"Uh, ye-yeah.." He answered but he spoke barely above a whisper as he felt a lump in his throat.

"So you're the young man that's been hanging out with Louis Tomlinson?" She asked and it was first now that he realized that the mp3-thing probably was some kind of microphone that recorded their conversation.

"Yes but are you here to eat?" Harry said and bit his lip. Did he just say yes to her question?

"How do you know Louis? And how long have you known him?"

"Uh, no comment. Are you here to eat? Otherwise I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the restaurant." Harry both felt and heard how the tone in his voice changed as he got more frustrated about the situation. But she only ignored his question and kept going with her own.

"How's he holding up after the breakup with Eleanor?"

Just the name of her pissed him off but he tried to keep his cool, knowing that anyone could see and hear him right now.

"Ma'am, I'm working. I won't answer your stupid questions and you'll have to take your stuff and leave right now."

"There's been rumors that Louis is gay, is that true?" She asked and pulled her things closer to her as she saw how Harry went from calm to pissed off in just a split second.

"That's it, I've had enough." Harry said with a low voice and looked around before he grabbed her things and placed them in a pile and gestured to them.

"Leave, now, thank you." Harry said between his teeth and looked straight at her face. She took her things and held them close to her chest as she got up from her seat. Harry reached over and grabbed the menu back and was about to walk back to the kitchen when he heard her voice again:

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