Chapter 24

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Harry woke up in the dark and tight bunk bed in Louis' arms. He looked over at Louis who was still sound asleep and smiled for himself. Harry was laying closest to the wall and in an attempt to turn himself over to be able to face Louis he slightly lifted his upper body, bringing his legs and bum closer to the wall before he turned on his side. As he turned over he looked out through a small spring between the wall and the curtain keeping them separated from the other beds. He looked through the crack and surprisingly saw John sitting in the corner of one of the couches in the dining area, staring right back at Harry through the crack. Harry quickly looked away as he cuddled up to Louis who took a deep breath as he wrapped his arms around Harry in his sleep. Harry felt uncomfortable even though he was currently in his safest place. There was no doubt that John was not accidentally looking at Harry as he peeked out, he was legit staring at him. But for how long had he been doing that? Was he just sitting there and waiting for the lovers to wake up? Harry frowned his eyebrows and placed his head on the pillow, his nose being slightly pressed against Louis'.

Louis took another deep breath and hummed as he slowly awoke from his sleep. Smirking softly as the first thing he saw when he opened his sleepy eyes for the first time that morning, was two green eyes looking directly at him. Louis licked his lips and caressed the small of Harry's back as he tried to open his eyes properly.

"Good morning, beautiful.", Louis mumbled causing Harry to smile.

"Good morning.", Harry whispered and made some space for Louis who moved even closer.

"How did you sleep, angel?", Louis asked as he awoke more and more. Louis lifted his hand from Harry's back and caressed Harry's cheek with his fingertips before he slid them to behind Harry's ear, bringing a couple of strings of curls with his fingers.

"I slept really well. I don't get why it's so cold tho. It's basically summer. How did you sleep?", Harry responded and snuggled himself closer, moving his face in the crook of Louis' neck. Louis made space for him and once again wrapped his arm around the precious little boy.

"Ouff, I know. But good thing we can sleep together without it being secretive now. And I slept well too, my love.", Louis hummed and kissed Harry on the side of his head.

"Can I ask you something though?", Harry mumbled as his face was buried in Louis' neck. Louis nodded his head before he hummed. "Is he still upset?"


"John.", Harry whispered before he peeked at Louis who looked at him. Louis let his hand in Harry's hair, gently pulling his fingers through the curls that he admired so much.

"I don't know, and I honestly don't care if he is. Why? Has he said or done something while I slept?", Louis asked and Harry's eyes turned to the crack in the curtain by their feet.

"I think he's been watching us? I looked out there,", Harry began and discreetly pointed towards the crack. "and caught him literally staring at me."

Louis looked at Harry confused before he lifted his head to look out through the crack and well enough, there he was. Still, or again, staring right at Louis who looked out. Louis rolled his eyes before he placed his head back on the pillow and Harry pouted. Then Louis lifted one of his legs and pressed the curtain to the wall with help of one of his feet, moving the crack to where they had their heads instead. Then he wrapped his arms around Harry, pulling him closer as if there had been a huge space between them meanwhile it was barely any space between them at all.

"Just try to ignore him. He's just jealous.", Louis said while playing with Harry's curls.

Harry nodded his head and let it on one of Louis' arms. Louis smiled softly and slid his hand under the thin blanket on Harry's skin on his waist. Harry smiled and pursed his lips. Louis chuckled lightly and kissed Harry's soft lips gently, Harry smiled as he kissed Louis back.

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