Chapter 6

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The following morning when Harry woke up he was all alone in his old bedroom. Once he got used to the tiny strings of light that came in through the blinds he didn't see any trace of Louis in his room. His clothes were gone along with his phone and other belongings that he had left on the desk the night before. Maybe he had just dreamt that Louis came back early? If that was the case, he really hoped that the whole day before was a dream too. He pressed the home-button on his phone to see if he had gotten any texts from Louis, which he hadn't. He sighed and rolled over on his stomach and buried his face in the pillow. Just as he was about to fall back asleep he heard the door to his room open and it sounded like someone was carrying a tray with stuff on it. He let out a hoarse groan and turned his head to face the direction from where the sound came from. After removing his hair from his eyes he saw Louis placing the tray on the nightstand. 

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Louis said with a smile on his face causing Harry to smile too.

"Good morning." Harry mumbled and lifted himself up on his elbows.

"Move." Louis chuckled as he tried to get down under the covers next to Harry who rolled closer to the wall. Louis sat with his back against the headboard and Harry laid his head in Louis' lap with his arms around Louis' waist.

"Did you sleep good tho?" Louis asked while gently twirling a curl of Harry's hair around his index finger. Harry lifted his head to look up at his boyfriend who smiled at him.

"I did, did you? I didn't push you off, right?" 

Louis laughed and shook his head.

"No, honey, you didn't. And I slept good too."

"Good." Harry giggled and let his head down again.

"In fact, you held on real tight." Louis chuckled.

"Not tight enough, you were gone when I woke up." Harry pouted and wrapped his arms tighter around Louis' waist and looked up at him again. Louis chuckled and leaned his head down and kissed Harry on his lips. Harry smiled and kissed Louis back.


Louis was supposed to do two shows in London. First one at the Wembley Stadium and then one at the O2-arena. As they talked about the night before, Harry followed Louis to the stadium while he was meeting up the crew to discuss lights, sound and other technical features. He was also going to do a soundcheck as well. Harry followed them around everywhere - from the dressing-room to where the audience was going to be and from the little cafeteria to the stage. He had never been to an empty stadium like this before and even though he knew it was huge, it felt even bigger while he walked around there. Since he was following Louis around he finally got to meet his manager, crew and the band in person, but of course he couldn't be introduced as Louis' boyfriend. Once Louis started his soundcheck Harry sat down on a chair along with Louis' hairstylist, Lou Teasdale. Harry sat closer to the stage. The both of them sat with their phones in their hands while Louis plugged in his in-ears and connected his microphone.

Nialler: What's uuuup?😎

Hazza: I'm with Louis, watching his soundcheck😌

Nialler: Ooooh, lemme see


It wasn't until Harry looked at the picture after sending it that he noticed that Louis had looked at him

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It wasn't until Harry looked at the picture after sending it that he noticed that Louis had looked at him. He smiled and looked up at the stage to catch Louis looking at him. Louis mouthed something to Harry, which Harry couldn't understand and frowned his eyebrows. Louis quickly looked away as the guitarist talked to him and before he started to sing he looked over at Harry again and mumbled into the microphone:


Harry giggled and shook his head while he placed his phone in his lap as he was about to watch a smaller preview of the concert. Louis smiled every time he looked over at Harry who sat in one of the chairs and sang along to every song even though most of them were new. In the beginning Louis had been a little nervous that Harry would somehow be a distraction while he was rehearsing but it seemed to be the opposite effect. In fact he felt more calm and relaxed with Harry watching him.

Louis jumped down from the stage once he was done and walked over to Harry. He sat down on a chair next to him and smiled.

"So what did you think, hmm?" Louis asked and smiled at Harry.

"Amazing!" Harry said with a bright, almost creepy looking, smile and wide eyes causing Louis to laugh.

"As I said, creep." Louis chuckled teasingly and stuck his tongue out at Harry who pouted playfully. Louis looked around before putting his arm on the backrest of Harry's chair and leaned closer to him.

"You're coming tonight too, right?" Louis asked and discreetly let his hand on Harry's lap. Harry smiled and placed his hand in Louis' then he looked up at him and bit his bottom lip softly.

"I would but I don't have any tickets.." Harry answered and kept his eyes on Louis who started smirking. Louis reached his hand to his back-pocket and pulled up a ticket.

"You're lucky, I know some people." Louis chuckled as he handed it to Harry whose face lit up with a bright smile.

"You got me a ticket?" He squeaked and covered his mouth giggling.

"Yes, but don't get too excited it isn't really front row."

"Where is it?" Harry asked and looked around as if he would see or figure it out himself. Louis laughed and shook his head. Once he got eye contact with Harry again he pointed up towards the bleachers.

"VIP-box." Louis said and Harry gasped and looked at him.

"Am I VIP?!" Harry exclaimed excitedly. Louis hushed him and smiled.

"Of course you are." He chuckled and caressed the back of Harry's hand with his thumb. They both looked down at their hands before looking up at each other again. They both smiled at each other until Harry pouted his lips and sighed.

"I so wanna kiss you right now." He whispered and Louis looked around. Harry kept his eyes on Louis who leaned even closer after making sure no one was around. He pecked Harry's lips quickly but softly and Harry pecked him back before Louis pulled back again. 

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