Chapter 42

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Harry let out small humming sounds as he started to wake up the next morning. Louis was still holding him in his arms and kept placing kisses on his shoulder and the back of his neck. Harry licked his lips and smiled for himself as he felt Louis' lips attach to his skin on the back of his neck before they slowly pulled away. Harry curled his legs up by bringing them closer to his chest to which Louis lifted his head and smiled fondly as the green eyes slowly opened. 

"Good morning, angel.", Louis whispered while gently brushing Harry's hair backwards while holding Harry's hand against Harry's chest with his other hand. Harry smiled and blinked slowly before he brought Louis' hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it and his knuckles.

"Good morning.", Harry mumbled against Louis' hand before he peeked at Louis over his own shoulder. Louis let his chin on Harry's shoulder and smiled as he got eye contact with him. Louis lifted his head and placed multiple kisses on Harry's cheek causing Harry to break out in a sleepy giggle.

"How are you?", Harry asked while giggling and made an attempt to turn over on his back to be able to look at Louis properly. Louis pulled back enough for Harry to turn around and kept one of his arms underneath Harry while his other one rested across Harry's abdomen. 

"I'm so fucking good.", Louis answered and pecked Harry's lips. Harry giggled as he pecked him back, but soon pulled away as he lifted Louis' arm off of him at the same time. "Are you alright?", Louis asked with a concerned frown on his face to which Harry slowly pulled himself up.

"I'm nauseous...", Harry mumbled while holding his tummy. Louis didn't get to say anything before Harry rushed to the bathroom with Louis soon following him. He barely made it to the toilet before he bent over and threw up. Louis frowned his eyebrows and approached Harry from behind to hold up his hair as Harry slowly sunk to the floor next to the toilet. 

"It just came out of nowhere?", Louis asked as he caressed Harry's back up and down to which Harry slowly nodded his head. "You want some water or maybe we should eat?"

"I'd like some water.", Harry mumbled while he leaned himself against the wall but kept himself close to the toilet. 

Louis kissed on top of Harry's head before he walked downstairs where he got a glass of cold water which he carried up to the bathroom where Harry hadn't moved at all. He handed Harry the water but soon realized he was too weak to hold it himself, therefore he helped him to drink some before he placed the glass on the floor next to him. 

"I can make us something to eat, if you want.", Louis said as he sat down next to Harry who leaned his head on his shoulder. 

"I'm not hungry..", Harry whispered and sighed while holding his arms around himself. 

"I think you need something tho. Maybe just some fruit to start with?"


"I can get you that, yes." 

Harry nodded his head slowly while keeping his eyes closed. Louis brought him a blanket before he went to get dressed to go to a nearby market to get some bananas for Harry. 

After eating and some time passing, Harry actually started to feel better though he wasn't completely okay still. Even though Louis suggested them just staying home for the day, Harry wanted them to go through with what they had planned. They were going to visit their families. First they went to Harry's family where they had some lunch. Meanwhile telling them all about the tour and everything that had happened - they had a lovely lunch. Though as the time went by and they started to get ready to go to Louis' family. Harry suddenly started to feel sick again, so much so that they decided that Harry were to rest meanwhile Louis went home to his family. He and Harry could go there whenever Harry felt better. He just wanted Harry to rest and get better. They didn't know what caused his sickness, but basically everyone thought it was from the higher pressure of being on the road that had caught up with him. 

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