Chapter 27

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Louis awoke to a small breeze of air evenly coming and going against his lips and chin. Without even opening his eyes he pursed his lips until they touched Harry's lips in a slow and sleepy morning kiss. Harry giggled as he kissed Louis back before he gently pulled back. Louis yawned and brought his cold hands on Harry's abdomen, slowly sliding them up his chest. Harry smiled and made sure the blanket covered Louis' back. 

"Good morning.", Harry whispered before he gently rubbed the tip of his nose against Louis'. 

"Good morning.", Louis mumbled while smiling and looked at Harry who smiled. "How did you sleep, babyboy?"

"I slept really well, how about you?", Harry whispered and nuzzled his face between the pillow and Louis' cheek causing Louis to chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Harry to hold him. 

"I slept really well, too."

Harry hummed as his face was buried in Louis' hair while Louis kept him close and gently scratched his nails up and down Harry's back. They laid cuddling in silence for a while. Until they heard the door to the bus open and the voices of Maxwell and Tim in the middle of a conversation came inside. Not long after they came back inside the bus, it started driving again, meaning they had just stopped at a gas station or something similar. 

"Louis, Harry! We got breakfast if you're awake yet!", Tim shouted from the dining area. 

Louis yawned and rolled out of the bunk bed onto his feet and stretched his arms above his head meanwhile Harry peeked out as he sat on the edge of the bed, barely able to keep his eyes open. Louis looked fondly at Harry who sat pouty with his hands on each side of his thighs, holding onto the bed to not fall over. Louis stepped in front of Harry, letting his hands on Harry's knees before he lifted them up to his face and cupped his face in his palms. Harry kept pouting and looked at Louis after opening his eyes properly. Louis smiled and pecked his pretty little pout, and Harry pecked him back before Louis stepped aside for Harry to be able to jump down on the floor. Louis pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpant-shorts, Harry took on sweatpants and a zip-up hoodie. Louis took Harry's hand and walked in front of him, out through the curtains and to the couches. 

"Well, well, well. Good morning, lovebirds.", Tim chuckled looking at the two boys entering. 

"Good morning, lads.", Louis answered as he walked over to pour himself a cup of tea meanwhile Harry took a seat. 

"Had a fun night?", Tim asked with a smirk while looking at Louis before he looked at Maxwell. 

"So much fun.", Louis chuckled while pouring some milk in his tea. 

"At least it wasn't real, thank God.", Maxwell chuckled while handing a small baguette to Harry who giggled. 

"What do you know about that?", Louis asked as he walked over and took a seat next to Harry.

"I doubt you'd even bother to talk to me if he was sucking you off."

"Gross. I'm eating.", John muttered from the corner to which the other boys just looked at each other. 

Harry let his head on Louis' shoulder while he was eating. Louis stuck to his cup of tea meanwhile the others ate sandwiches and baguettes. Harry offered Louis half of his, but Louis wasn't necessary a breakfast-person while on the road, though he had some of Harry's anyway. Harry tried to keep his eyes open while he was eating, looking around at the other's and at Louis. As he was looking around he caught John looking at him, as soon as he got eye contact Harry immediately looked away though the next time John was still looking. It made Harry uncomfortable. Harry frowned his eyebrows slightly as he pulled himself up to sit properly and covered his chest by zipping up the hoodie he had just thrown on himself on the way out. Louis watched Harry as he adjusted himself and changed position. 

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