Chapter 19

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Behind you~

Izuku's eyes shot open and a small gasp escaped his mouth. All he saw was darkness. The only light was the moon shining through the cracks in Katsuki's blinds. A breeze blew threw Izuku's hair, sending shivers down his spine. It was 3 am, a spooky time to be waking up, or so thought Izuku. He had just woken up from a terrible nightmare, it felt real, every part of it was so realistic. Izuku sat up and grasped the bed with a bead of sweat dripping from his hair.

With a sigh, Izuku stood up and exited Katsuki's room. The hallway was very creepy. The only source of light was from across the hall, it was a nightlight shining through the cracks of the bathroom door. The rest of the hallway was pitch black, if someone was hiding in one of the dark spots, they would've never been spotted. Izuku wearily made his way across the narrow corridor to the bathroom, shutting the door on his way in.

Deku rested his palms on the sink and looked into the mirror. His face was shiny from sweat and his hair was a big poof ball of green. He sighed and took a hand full of water and splashing it in his face. He let the water drip down and wet his shirt. He then stopped everything, he turned the faucet off and set the towel down. Listening. Just outside the bathroom door, Izuku heard a loud creak. Almost as if someone was there. Izuku held his breath and scrunched up. His body just froze. Tears were forming in his eyes and his heart was racing.

After what seemed like hours of standing there waiting for sound, Izuku calmed a bit down. His nerves rested and he let go of his breath, he even wiped his eyes. But then he saw it. Shadows from under the door. It was feet. Izuku walked up to the door and put his ear against it. Listening once again.

The person outside the door started banging on the door furiously screaming their head off. Izuku jumped back and fell on the floor. Tears streamed down his face and his heart stopped. It was screaming as if it were hurting. Banging after banging, screaming after screaming. The door was wildly shaking along with the whole bathroom. And then it wasn't, the screaming stopped and the banging stopped. And it was quiet once again.

"BEHIND YOU!" Right in Izuku's ear.

Izuku shot up from bed breathing heavily, this time it was real life. He woke up to pitch black again, only light rays of the moon from the blinds. 3:05 am. Izuku laid back down under the covers and burrowed his head into Katsukis chest, hoping for protection. Izuku closed his eyes once, but before sleeping Izuku felt Katsuki's arms slither around his waist. A small smile etched it's way on Izuku's face. He then fell back asleep from the warmth overflow.


"Kacchan....." Katsuki grumbled a response. "Kacchan, you have to let go of me." Katsuki's eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was a mop of green hair. Izuku was trying to get out of Katsuki's arms, but his grasp was tight. A light blush spread across Katsuki's cheeks as the puffy wide eyed boy looked up at him with mercy. Kacchan grunted and let go of him flipping himself over on the other side of the bed.

"Are you feeling better Kacchan?" Izuku asked sitting up on the bed. Katsuki grunted a response and stretched out his limbs. Izuku nodded and ran his fingers through his moppy green hair. He had serious bed head, but it always looked cute on him. Katsuki's hair looked normal however, and only a few strands were messed up.

"Why are you up so early Deku?" Asked Kacchan as he checked the clock. Izuku giggled from behind him and responded.

"I'm usually up this early, sleeping beauty." Izuku said earning a punch from Kacchan. Izuku giggled and stood up looking out the window. The morning sun shone through the houses and trees casting weird shadows below.

"Kacchan, what do you see yourself as in the future?" Asked Izuku glaring at the trees swaying back and forth as if it were waving at him. Katsuki's ears perked at this odd question. He didn't really like thinking about his future, especially talking about it. He sighed and watched Izuku concentrate on the birds flying by singing their annoying song. He looked so clueless in that moment, maybe he was thinking of his future as well.

"Well, I'm either dead or an grumpy man, no kids, no spouse, yelling at children from my lawn chair, newspaper in hand." Katsuki responded. Izuku scoffed.

"Kacchan I'm being serious. What do you see." Izuku asked turning to face Katsuki who was now sitting up on the edge of the bed, staring back.

"Honestly Deku, I don't wanna think about the future right now. For all I know I might be captured and killed. It scares me, so I don't like thinking about it." Katsuki says staring at his hands. Izuku frowns and throws himself on Kacchan, hugging him tightly.

"I won't let them take you Kacchan!" Izuku yelled in the crane of Katsuki's neck. Katsuki squirmed around as Izuku's tight grip stayed around him.

"Get off you nerd." Katsuku said with a soft chuckle. Izuku giggled and sat up next to Kacchan.

"To be honest too Kacchan, I see myself protecting you my whole life." Izuku said staring back out the window. Izuku shot up and ran towards the window. "Wow! Look that's a eagle!" As Izuku gawked like a girl over the bird, Kacchan was still stunned of what he said earlier. Katsuki blushed a bit as he watched the boy carefully. What a nerd...


"Soooo, Kacchan... Halloween is coming up soon. Whatcha gonna be?" Izuku said running up to him as they walked to school together (Izuku sorta got left behind by Iida). Katsuki looked down at the boy who was skipping beside him, he didn't want to ruin his mood by saying that he wasn't going, but Katsuki didn't really care (I mean has he ever cared...).

"I'm not going to that stupid party." Katsuki bluntly stated. Izuku stopped skipping and stared up at Kacchan. What a buzz kill thought everyone ever.

"B-but Kacchan it's gonna be really fun!" Izuku whined yanking on Katsuki's arm. Katsuki growled. Izuku backed up obviously scared.

"I already made up my mind." Katsuki said. "And why are you walking with me, don't you walk with four eyes."

"It's Iida and he was walking too fast that I couldn't catch up with him." Izuku responded. "And don't worry, I'll find a way to make you go." Izuku evilly smirked and started walking away.

"Damn nerd, you're going the wrong way!" Katsuki yelled at him.


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Have a great night/day

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