Dating Bryce Walker Pt. 1

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Season 3 (before Bryce was killed, when he tried to be a better person).

You're new in town.
On weekends you work at Monet's and every saturday morning this guy Bryce orders coffee there.
He always gives you tips and he's nice to you.
You have heard rumors about him, why he isn't in Liberty High anymore, but you choose not to believe those rumors.

This was the fourth weekend you worked at Monet's and he was there again.
"What would you like to order?" You ask him.
"The usual."

You bring his order and he asks if you have time to sit down with him.
"Sure, I have a few minutes."
"You go to Liberty High right? You must have heard a lot of bad things about me."
"Yeah but I only believe what I see. And I see a sweet guy enjoying his coffee, minding his own business."
He smiles at you which makes you blush.
"What?" You ask shyly.
"Nothing." He clears his voice. "Do you wanna go out sometime?"
You didn't expect his question so you don't know what to say.
"I mean if you don't want that I understa-"
You cut him off. "I'd like that."

"Y/n, we have clients!" Your boss shouts from behind the counter.
"Sorry, I have to go." You say.
He writes down his number on his napkin and hands it to you before leaving.

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