Meeting His Parents - Clay x Reader

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You're pulling over at your boyfriend's house.
You get out of your car and wait on Clay to get out.
"I'm so nervous." You tell him.
"There's no reason to be. They will love you. Don't be nervous." Clay says while rubbing your shoulders gently.
You still feel nervous but you are good at hiding it.

Clay opens the door and lets you in first.
His parents are in the kitchen making dinner.
"Oh hey y/n! Come in!" His mom says with excitement.
"Hey Mister and Misses Jensen. Thank you for having me over." You sound a little shy.
"You can call me Lainie." She says with a smile.
"And I'm Matt." Clay's dad reaches out his hand but it's dirty from cooking so he takes it back before you can shake hands.
You smile and already feel less nervous.
They're just as awkward and stressed about this than you are. They're clearly not used to this sort of situation.
"Can I help with dinner?" You ask.
"That's kind of you, but dinner's almost finished. So the two of you can take a seat at the table." Matt says.

During dinner, his parents ask you a lot of questions.
"Stop asking so many questions." Clay demands.
You place your hand on his arm to indicate that you don't mind.
"It's okay, it means that you want to get to know me." You tell his parents.

After dinner, Clay's parents tell funny stories about their son which makes Clay feel uncomfortable at some moments.
"I remember that one time I learned him driving for the first time and he-"
"Okay mom, I think we heard enough stories. Besides, me and y/n have to be somewhere else."
"Oh really. Where are you guys heading to?" Lainie asks, taking a sip of her wine.
"Mom..." Clays says and rolls his eyes at her.
She rolls her eyes too and raises her hands. "Okay, okay I got it."
Before leaving, you help cleaning the table and thank his parents for the meal.

"Where do we have to be?" You ask Clay.
"That was an excuse."
"Didn't you enjoy tonight? Did I say something wrong?" You look worried.
Clay grabs your face and kisses your lips.
"You were great, don't worry. I just wanted to be alone with you." He says and kisses you again.
You drive to your house where you can be alone with him.

13 Reasons Why Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें