Prom Night - Clay x Reader

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A week ago Clay asked you out to the school dance but you rejected him.
You said that you don't like dances and you weren't planning on going.
Now you regret your decision but you don't know how to tell him that.

Jessica begged you to go because she had a fight with Justin again.
You didn't want to let her down so you decided to go with her.

So now you're there at the dance, looking at all the couples dancing and having fun. You feel so stupid for saying no to Clay.

"Do you want a drink?" Jessica asks.
"Yeah sure."
She goes over to the bar where Justin is standing. They start talking and seem to get along again.
You look around to see if there's someone else you could talk to or dance with.
When you see Clay sitting alone on the stairs, the music and other sounds fade away. You feel butterflies in your stomach.
This is your chance to apologise to him.

You walk over to Clay, your heart beating faster.
He looks up from his hands. His eyes stare in yours.
"So you came to the dance after all?" He asks.
"Yeah, Jessica begged me to come."
You go sit next to him, the narrow spot leaving no space between you two.

"I lied about not wanting to go to the dance with you. I don't know why but I know that now all I wanna be here with is you."
He is silent for a few seconds but then lays his hand on yours.
"So do you wanna dance or just sit here on this staircase?"
"Let's dance."
You both laugh and walk to the dancefloor.
"Have I mentioned how good you look tonight?" He says with a smile.
You chuckle and blush.

Dancing all night to your favorite songs with Clay, you feel the happiest. With your arms around him you feel safe and content.
"I'm so glad you came." You say.
"Me too, (y/n)."

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