Kissing In the Pool - Zach x Reader

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It's the first day of summer and you're ready to leave for summer camp. You've been looking forward to it all year and you've earned it after doing so well on your finals.
You can't wait to see your friends from the camp again. Everyone is nice to you and you fit in there, which is not the case in your high school. It's not that you get bullied but you are not really the most popular girl in Liberty High.


During the first hour at the camp you chat with your friends. You see a few new faces but there is nobody you know from school.

"Hey sorry I'm late, I had to arrange something for my summer job."
You hear a familiar voice say behind you. You turn around to see who it is and see that Zach is right in front of you.
"Oh hey Y/N, I didn't know you were going to be here too." He says and smiles.
You don't know what to say so you just smile.
"What's your name?" One of your friends flirtingly asks Zach.
"My name is Zach. Me and Y/N go to the same school." He replies shaking her hand.
"Cool." She says, swinging her hair over her shoulder.
Fun. Now all the girls here are going to flirt with Zach, just like in Liberty High.


Evening came quickly. After the campfire everyone goes to their tent. Zach follows you and asks to wait.
"What's up?" You ask.
"I would like to talk to you alone. Is that possible?"
"Of course." You say with a smile.

You walk to the pool, both a beer in your hands.
"If I drink this, then I will definitely be tipsy." You say.
"Then I'll carry you back to your tent." He laughs.

After a few minutes of silence you're  at the pool.
"What did you want to talk about?" You ask.
He takes off his shoes and puts his feet in the water. You do the same.
"I'm glad we ran into each other here by chance. I always want to talk to you at school but you seem to prefer to be alone there." Zach says.
"I do like to be alone. But I wouldn't mind your company."
"Good to know." He says and he puts the bottle of beer next to him.

"Fancy a swim?" He asks before taking off his shirt.
You laugh. "What? now?"
"Yeay duh, now!"
You start to blush, looking at his abs. His body is so sexy.
"Come on, you aren't afraid of a little water, are you?" He teases.
You look away as he takes off his jeans and you doubt whether you would participate.
"Don't hesitate, just do it." He says before jumping into the water.
"Fuck it." You take another sip of the beer and then take off your clothes. You blush because you know Zach is looking at you and quickly jump into the water.
"Oh it's cold!" You yell as you swim closer to him.
"You'll get used to it."

You're now close to him and you look each other in the eye. You smile shyly at him.
"I didn't imagine summer would look like this."
"Me neither." Zach says before leaning in to kiss you, tangling his hands in your wet hair. This is the perfect kiss, even more than you always imagined.

You gently pull back and make eye contact, your arms around his neck.
"This is going to be a great summer." You say.
"More than great." He whispers before kissing you again.

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