The Accident - Jeff x Reader

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You and your boyfriend Jeff have been at Jessica's party all night.
Only you, Jeff, Jessica and her boyfriend Justin are still at her house. You're all sitting in her hot tub.
"Y/n and Jeff, do you guys want another drink?"
You say yes but Jeff says no.
"y/n we better leave. You had way too much to drink and I have to drive you home." Jeff says while getting out of the hot tub.
"Oookay." You say, rolling your eyes at him.
He laughs and helps you get out of the hot tub. Jessica and Justin don't even notice you leaving because they're too busy kissing.
"Bye love birds. See you two at school on Monday" Jeff says, then takes your hand and wraps a towel around you.
"Are you cold?" He asks.
"No, I'm good."
When you're both dried up you put your clothes back on, Jeff needs to help you because you're too drunk to do it yourself.
"I really shouldn't have let you drink like that."
You chuckle. "I'm fine."
"Yeah sure baby, come on l'll carry you to the car."
He lifts you up and carries you to his car.
"Are you okay? Not feeling sick or anything?" He asks before he starts driving.
"No, I'm feeling alright."

When you're driving for a few minutes you ask him to go slower.
"What is it?"
"Just... drive slow, why are you going so fast?" You ask him.
He turns to look at you and sees that you look worried.
"Okay babe, don't be scared." He lays his hand on yours.
"Eyes on the road, Atkins." You say, then smile at him.
He laughs and looks in front of him.
That's when he sees he's driving towards a stop sign. It's too late. Before he knows he's losing control of his car.
The moment the car hits the trees you think you're both dead.

When you awake you feel your bruised bones, every bone was aching.
You soon remember what happened.
"J-Jeff." You whisper.
"Hey hun, you're awake." You can hear your mom's voice.
"You were in an accident.. with Jeff."
"W-where is he?"
It takes your mom a while to answer.
"I'm so sorry y/n he didn't make it."
No pain hurts like this. You losing him is something you never imagined. It is too shocking to believe.

You wake up soaked in sweat.
When you take a look in the room and look for Jeff you soon realise that you're in his bedroom. Not in the hospital. He's there with you. Alive.
You start crying because you're so relieved.
"Hey, baby." Jeff lays his hand on your back.
"Did you have a nightmare?" He says and rubs your back.
"Please never leave me." You say and you turn around to hug him.
"Never." He starts stroking your hair. You fall asleep in his arms.

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