Secret Relationship Pt.1 - Justin x Reader

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It was the last day of summer holidays. You spend the last night at Justin Foley's place.
You're not sure if you can call him your boyfriend, you haven't really defined your relationship.
You don't even know if you can call it a relationship, all you do is kiss and have sex. You had a few conversations but he never stayed the night so those conversations weren't deep and meaningful.
You've been meaning to ask him about it but everytime you're about to ask him, it's like you forget how to speak and you say something stupid.

When you put your clothes back on you're thinking now is the moment to ask him.
"Hey Justin, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." He says and gets up from the bed.
"Are we... in a relationship?"
He looks away from you and doesn't respond to your question.

"Look, I think you're a nice girl and I like you... but I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship right now."
He looks at you directly while saying that. It hurts you more than you want to let him see, but it's hard to hold back your tears.

"Can we still be friends?" He asks.
You know that with "friends" he means friends with benefits.
All you wanna tell him is that he's a dick and that you hate him but, again, you forget how to speak.
"Is that cool with you?" Justin asks.
You look up from his bed. "Yeah, cool, I'm totally cool with that."
He kisses your cheek, quickly.
"I'm going to meet up with Bryce and Zach. You can stay here if you want to."
Why would you stay if he's not even going to be here?
"I have to go home too. We've got school tomorrow and I'm tired so I better go home." You say, trying not to sound disappointed.
"You need a ride?" He asks.
"No, I can walk."
"Okay. Text me when you get home?"

All the way home you can't stop crying.
I'm such a fool.

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