Your Tape Pt.1

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What if you were in 13 Reasons Why?

You're on one of the tapes that Hannah made. You're one of the 13 reasons why.

In this chapter you hear the tapes before yours. In part two you hear your tape.

Your best friend: Courtney
Your crush: Clay
Your tape: Tape 4, Side A

Two weeks after Hannah's death.

Another day of school. Just a normal, boring day. At least that's how it started.

After lunch break you walk over to your locker to take your books for next class.
When you open your locker you see a package.

There is something written on it.

"For y/n.
Open when you're alone."

Who put this in here? There's no name on it.
You take the package out of your locker and put it in your backpack.

During the rest of the day you can barely focus. Usually you can answer all the questions, you're the best in almost all your classes. But you are too curious about what's in the package to focus in class.

When you get home, you immediately go to your room and open it.

Tapes? What could this be?

The first tape starts playing.
When you hear the first sentence, you get shivers down your spine.

"Hey it's Hannah. Hannah Baker."

The first tape is about Justin Foley. You remember what happened. He showed pictures of Hannah to his friends. Pictures of her wearing a skirt, sliding down a rocket. It wasn't his intention to send that one picture to everyone. But he allowed his best friend, Bryce Walker, to do it.

You take a break, thinking about what you just heard.

Well, I'm not really in a position to judge here. I know what's on my tape. I know what I did to her. But I don't want to hear her tell the story.

Before you go to sleep, you listen to the other side of the first tape.

Welcome back. So glad you're still listening. Are you having fun? You must be wondering who's next and why? Is it you? What did you do? How did you end up on these tapes?

This tape is about Jessica Davis. At the time they met, Jessica was a new student just like Hannah. They became best friends and met Alex Standall, who became their third best friend. They had fun together and they shared their secrets.
That was until Jessica and Alex started dating.
When Jessica and Alex broke up, Hannah tried to save the friendship but it didn't work out.
Alex made a "hot or not list", which you remember well because you were on it too.
Eventually Hannah and Jessica got in a fight where Jessica called Hannah a slut and slapped her in her face.
And that was not the only consequence of the "hot or not" list.

The next day

You barely slept, thinking about what you heard on the tapes, wondering what Justin and Jessica thought of you after hearing your tape.

You try to avoid everyone at school, even Clay.
Usually you talk to him every day, ask him how he's doing.
After Hannah died he changed
Actually, everyone did.

You only talk to your best friend Courtney. She heard your tape but you don't know that yet. She pretends like nothing is going on and so do you.
You were never close with Justin and Jessica so it isn't weird that they aren't talking to you after hearing your tape.

Tony asks you how you're doing, which he never did before. You don't talk often and you don't know him well.
"I'm good, why?"
"I know about the tapes y/n." He explains.
"Oh. Okay... So you're on them too?"
"No. I'm the friend Hannah trusted with them. My part here is to make sure you listen and pass it on. And I also want to offer my help, if you need that."
"I don't need that. By the way, have you heard these tapes? It's sick that she made these!"
He sighs. "It's sick that she killed herself. It's sick that people made her think that this was the only way out."

"When's my tape?" You ask.
"Keep listening, you will figure it out."
You watch him as he walks out of school.

After school you do what Tony told you. You keep listening.

Tape 2 side A continues the story of the hot or not list. Because of this list Alex made it "open season" on Hannah Baker.
Her reputation was destroyed, even her best friend had called her a slut. She was objectified.
She felt alone.

Next tape that you hear is about Tyler Down. You can't believe what you're hearing.

He stalked Hannah and Courtney?? WHAT? He spread the photo of them kissing?
He was the reason why Hannah and Courtney stopped talking!
So Courtney... is into girls? Why did she never tell me?

That isn't the only time Courtney is on the tapes. Your best friend, a sweet and innocent girl, has her own tape.

Spreading sexual rumors about Hannah to save her own reputation? I never thought Courtney was capable of doing something like that.
But then again, who am I to judge?

You lay down on your bed.

What if this next tape is mine?

The last tape before yours is about Marus Cole.
He asked Hannah out but showed up late.
When he finally showed up, he made her feel uncomfortable, making a move on her in front of his popular friends.
When she asked him to stop he didn't listen. He kept going. Eventually Hannah pushed him off her, which made him angry. He humiliated her even more.
"I thought you were easy." He said, then left her there. Hurt. Humiliated.

You take off your headphone and turn off the light.
You feel so bad for what everyone did to Hannah. For what you did.
You fall asleep crying.

You don't go to school the next day.
You tell your mom you're feeling sick.

Courtney texts you all day but you ignore her.

Courtney bff 👸💕

"Why aren't you in school today?"


"It's about the tapes right? Talk to me okay!!!"

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