Chapter 26

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Song of the Moment: Queens Will Play by Black Mountain


"Dan, hold on. I got you." I pressed my hands against the wound on his stomach. The blood was everywhere. Noctum was on the edge. So much blood.

"You can't stop it. You have to let history take its course." He whispered hoarsely.

"Let me help you." I began forcing myself to cough up black blood like I did for Nate. Dan grabbed my arm with a steel grip.

"No. It's okay." He sucked in sharply. "You need to leave. Your sister was here."

"I'm going to kill her. Again." He gripped my wrist tightly.

"This is bigger than just us, than just your siblings." His breath shuddered. "I saw what Sistine is after. I've seen what she's gotten so far. She's only a piece of the puzzle."

He pulled me down to whisper in my ear.

"Your friends aren't safe. She found a host. Find-," He coughed harshly.

"What do I need to find?" I demanded. "Dan, don't leave me on a cliffhanger."

It was too late. He gave one last sigh, loosened his grip on my wrist, and stared up at the ceiling. Those glassy eyes of fresh death.

"Shit." Of course I couldn't win that easily. The universe wanted me to be as confused as ever. I closed his eyes gently with my fingers and stood up. All this petty fighting left one of our friends vulnerable. And Sistine took the bait.

I patted my torn, damp racing suit for my phone and found it in an inside pocket. Thank goodness for waterproof cases. I found my brother's contact and called him. Surprisingly, he answered.

"Jonathan, Dan's dead." I didn't give him a chance to gloat.

"Shit, this is our fault." I heard something break in the background. "Just, give me a minute. I'm coming back to the house."

"Where's Sara?"

"I took her home like a proper gentleman. We're putting this on pause." He hung up on me.

I left the bedroom to check on Chloe. She was gone. I went to Johnny's room and stole some dry clothes. He owed me that much. By the time I had gotten changed into a sweatshirt and jeans, I heard the front door slam open.

"Anthony!" He bellowed.

"I'm in your room!" I yelled back. He came trudging back to me.

"What are you doing in my room?" Then he noticed my clothes. "Nevermind, I'll give you that one."

"Were you the one that pushed me into the pool?" Might as well get an answer.

"Maybe." He shrugged it off.

"I'm keeping this sweatshirt then."

We left his room and walked over to mine. I opened the door to reveal Dan's dead body.

"Do you know who did it?" Johnny asked as he squatted to examine his dead friend.

"He told me that Sistine was here. She found a host." I gave it to him short and sweet.

"The little brat's got a body now?" He stood up.  "That should make her easy to kill. Physical forms are always easier."

"Maybe not. Dan said she got ahold of something, and it's bigger than just us, than just our curse. He told me to find something, but he died before he could tell me what." I explained.

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