Chapter 22

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Song of the Moment: I Love My Friends by Foster The People

After a week, it was clear that I wasn't getting anywhere.  Johnny had become Sara's new shoulder to cry on. I guessed that sleeping with the Siren had its perks. Chloe was practically pushing the two together. She didn't know why Johnny wanted to be with Sara out of the blue. She didn't care. That selfish bitch only cared about my brother's midnight trips to her bedroom. And he was the one who said not to get involved with women and allow them to get ideas in their heads. Those two were only playing a mutual, parasitic game that would eventually lead to damage to at least one player. The thing is that so was I.

I was playing my own dangerous game with Johnny. He had me in a chokehold-a trap that would have me losing no matter what. Johnny had leverage. He had Chloe acting as a little bug whispering in Sara's ear about whatever Johnny decided to share. If I tried to cheat at the game then Sara would automatically know about me lying to her and keeping her Pure Soul status a secret. He knew what he was doing. He had played this game multiple times back in Vantic City before we got Cursed. This was my first time to play as a competitor instead of a bystander. Fighting with my brother over a girl seemed stupid to me, but this was serious. It was a matter of life or death for Sara. If we did find out what needed to be done to Claim her, Johnny was bound to kill her so he could truly be free.

Now I stood watching my brother laugh and joke around with her like an animal playing with its food. Nate came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"I thought I should let you know that you look a little weird standing in the middle of the cafeteria." He smiled that same goofy smile.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with his perpetual cheerfulness. He gestured to our little group that moved indoors due to the rainy weather.

"We can either join Johnny's comedy show, or we can go to the library so I can finish this history paper really quick." He offered. I took up on the latter.

We walked out of the cafeteria with our lunches in our hands-mine a paper sack and his a nice blue lunchbox. The library was quiet with a few people curled up in their chairs and sneakily eating lunch. We sat down at a table over in a back corner of the massive room. Nate pulled his laptop out of his backpack and set it directly beside his lunch. I started dumping out the contents of my sack. One bite of my PB & BJ and Nate was already typing away. He sniffed the air.

"I can smell the peanut butter, but why does the jelly not smell fruity?" He kept his eyes locked on the screen.

"That's because it's blood jelly." He raised an eyebrow and looked at me. His fingers stilled.

"There's no way that's a thing." He began typing again.

"Anything is a thing if you're hungry enough." I took another bite.

"Whatever floats your boat, man." He sighed, and I saw the the small smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Why were you so keen to escape the trio? I know it's not just your history paper." I opened up some chips.

"Can I ask you a question?" He stopped typing and shut his laptop closed.

"You already did." I popped a chip in my mouth.

"Do you like Sara in a I-want-her-as-my-girlfriend kinda way?"

"I don't know if you've been informed, but Sara is strictly like my sister-no thank you." He sighed in relief.

"That means I can tell you." I put my food down.

"Tell me what? That you're in love with Sara?" His shoulders sunk as he looked in me in disbelief.

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