Chapter 10

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Song of the Moment: Tell Me How To Feel by Maddie Eckford

(Maude and Ellie's song)


My legs shook the table as we ate breakfast. Wilson just stared at me. Johnny dropped his spoon back in his bowl of cereal and sighed.

"Can you please stop shaking the table? It's simulating an earthquake." I stopped and planted my feet on the ground to prevent any further jitters.

"Sorry, I'm just on edge." Johnny snorted at that.

"On edge about what?" I dipped my spoon in and out of my bowl.

"This whole mess-Sistine, Sara, the Blood Furies." That was mostly honest.

"We've crossed off Blood Furies so I don't see why you're worried about that. I understand about Sistine and Sara, but you have to deal with it. After them, there's probably going to be times that will be worse." He looked up at the clock and shoveled spoonful after spoonful of cereal. "I got to hurry otherwise I'm going to be late. Taking statistics was probably not a good idea. I've never been quite good at that."

"You better hurry then." I warned and he ran out of the house. Wilson followed quietly behind. Dan laughed when he slammed the door.

"I don't think I've ever seen him so excited to go to school. He always told me that learning was never his forte. Women and being charming were where he succeeded." His eyebrows furrowed. "Say, Johnny hinted at me that you were all around kinda guy-said the 80's were a time of experimentation for you." I groaned.

"Exactly how much has Johnny shared with you?" I hung my head and stared into my now-soggy cereal.

"Enough to know that you weren't always the stick in the mud that you are now." He grabbed a mug from up in the cabinet and poured himself some coffee. "I assume Sara sobered you up."

"Actually, Sara wasn't the first." I stood up and placed my bowl in the sink before grabbing a mug of coffee for myself. "I wasn't always the uptight one-that's true. It was during the Roaring Twenties-people laughing and dancing and then there was Maude." I smiled sadly at the memory.

"What happened?" He sat down at the kitchen table.

"Johnny and I were in New York to meet an informant who had seen the Luna Mask-I assume you know what that is?" Dan nodded. "Well, while Johnny did the talking, I wandered off to find someplace fun for afterwards. I found a speakeasy and also found Maude. She was dancing with the other flappers on stage and I was immediately drawn to her. She made my heart lighter than it had ever been since we had been cursed.

"After her show was over, I bought her a drink and we hit it off right away. I didn't dare tell Johnny. He was already in a bad mood because he had to kill the informant. He went ahead and left but accidentally left me behind in New York-again. I had loved Maude so much that we even shared an apartment and I even told her about our curse. She didn't mind, she loved me." I sighed and stared into my coffee cup. "We were going to get married. She was pregnant."

"Johnny found out, didn't he?" Dan assumed and he was right on the mark.

"He came back to retrieve me and discovered Maude. She was eight months pregnant when I found her dead, neck snapped and dumped in Central Park. Johnny said that if she had given birth, there was no telling what that baby would be-more human or demon, we weren't sure. After that, I stayed away and only went out for food. I didn't want what happened to Maude to happen again." I laughed. "Then the 80's happened.

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