Chapter 21

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Song of the Moment: Little Monster by Royal Blood


"Here's how this is going to work." Carrie's icy hands squeezed tighter on Sara's throat. "You are going to quietly come with me outside. Otherwise, I will kill those girls back there. Understood?" Sara attempted to nod. "Good little mouse."

"Hey, Sara, where'd you go?" CeCe came walking into the living room. She froze at the sight of Carrie pinning Sara on the couch. Carrie sharply looked at her and grinned.

"Aw, you're playing dress-up!" Carrie cackled. "How fun, brother mine!" She released Sara's throat, allowing the girl to breathe fully.

"I swear, you bitch, if you lay another hand on her, I will not be afraid to kill you again." CeCe's hands balled up into tight fists. Sara scrambled from underneath Carrie and came to CeCe side.

"I know we don't have time for this, but you're definitely not CeCe." Sara kept her eyes on the poor, possessed girl. The doorbell rang multiple times a desperate shrill.

"No one move. Or else." Carrie warned. Sara remained mute in fear. CeCe glared at her sister.

"Where'd you guys, go?" Jenny came giggling down the hall. "Emma just got sent pictures from Matt." She stopped at the sight of her disheveled friend and the other two staying far away from her.

"I swear, you humans are so annoying." Carrie sighed and flicked her wrist. Jenny went flying and screaming back down the hall. A loud thump was heard as she impacted with the back wall. Her screaming instantly cut off. After the screaming, the front door opened and in came stumbling Anthony William.


At first, I thought they weren't answering the door because the music was too loud, but when I heard the screaming I knew something was up. When I broke open the door to see everyone in the living room, my assumptions became correct. The girls were each sent flying down a hallway. Chloe, Sara and another girl who could only be assumed to be my brother stood in a corner.

"Why not have a party then? Everyone's invited." The girl standing on the couch had sunken in eyes and she glared at me. "Time for a family reunion, huh, brother mine?" Oh God, it was Sistine inside that girl.

"Get out of her, Sistine. This is a family issue-not hers." She cackled at me.

"I would gladly get out of her." She sneered. "Here's the thing. She," She pointed a blackened hand at Sara, "needs to go bye-bye first."

"I think you need to go bye-bye first." I felt Noctum coming out as I lunged at my sister. She screeched as we collided. Inky tar spread over my skin and my clothes. Noctum was ready to kill my sister, but I had to hold him back. I used all my willpower to prevent Noctum's black mucus from covering my face. The poor girl Sistine was using didn't deserve to die. I couldn't kill her.

"What are you going to do? Kill me again?" She screamed in my face as I pinned her to the ground. The furniture was toppled over. The glass coffee table was shattered. I saw Sara in the corner of my eye pick up a broken table leg.

"I will whatever is necessary to get rid of you." I fought my mouth trying to morph. Sistine noticed.

"Having a demon is fun, isn't it?" She calmed down underneath me. "Just accept it, Anthony. You love this life better than your old one. Let me take the girl and leave. Quit searching for an answer. This is who you truly are." She tried her best to convince me.

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