Chapter 12

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Song of the Moment: Bad Ritual by Timber Timbre


"He literally lives in the neighborhood right next to yours." Chloe was already getting ideas in her head and Sara saw the sparkle in her eyes.

"It's not that big of a deal," She argued. "It'll be easier to drop him back off, then." Chloe wasn't letting it go.

"It'll be easier to sneak in and out, if you know what I mean." Chloe wiggled her eyebrows and laughed. Sara rolled her eyes and pulled into the driveway of Nate's house-which was quite similar to her house and everyone else's in all the surrounding neighborhoods. She almost pulled out at the sight of the vacant, darkened house but breathed a sigh of relief when he came running out dressed up as a wizard-purple robe, fake beard, hat, and all. He climbed into the backseat and situated himself smack dab in the middle to easily conversate with the girls.

"Nice get-up, Merlin." Chloe teased. Nate yanked the silver beard down to speak.

"It was either this or the t-rex and my Dad took the t-rex before I could even decide. He has to perform at a Halloween party for older adults tonight and he wanted to look good." He explained and pulled the beard back up. Sara turned her head and smiled at him before backing out of the driveway and proceeding down the road to the carnival.

Chloe snatched the aux cord from the glove compartment and plugged in her phone. Obnoxious rap blasted from the speakers and made Sara jump. Nate sat back uncomfortably and felt like he was slowly dying inside from the airhead lyrics about doing cocaine and screwing a hooker in the club. He wanted the yank the cord out and throw Chloe's phone out the window but knew that if anything was to change, it was up to Sara since it was her car. Nate thanked her silently when she finally did something.

"I don't feel like rap today." Sara disconnected Chloe's phone while at a stop sign and plugged her own phone in. The harsh rapping was replaced with some good Alternative music. Chloe rolled her eyes and sunk into her seat. She was going to have to deal with it since the majority of the car was rocking out to the change in atmosphere. Nate and Sara sang along with each song as their drive to the school continued.

Eventually, the school came into view and Sara reluctantly turned down the volume. They turned into the parking lot and noticed the groups of kids and teenagers walking towards the booths closer to the edge of the woods back behind the school. The carnival was always placed by the woods because of the haunted hayride that looped through them. It was the main favorite aside from the funhouse that was considered too scary for little kids and the huge ferris wheel that stood out in the middle of the carnival site. Chloe always enjoyed entrapping a poor guy or girl in a car on the ferris wheel and practicing her Control on them.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Sara asked as they searched the crammed parking lot for a parking spot. The car was a turtle considering how little kids were darting in and out.

"Ferris wheel." Chloe suggested.


"Sure." Nate and Sara clashed. Sara already knew what Chloe was probably planning but did Nate?

Nate changed his response quickly at the shock of Sara's reaction. "I mean, why don't we check out the booths first and go on the hayride?" Much better.

"Sounds good to me." Sara and Chloe finally agreed but the twinkle of mischief flashed in Chloe's eyes. She was still going to get her way whether the other two liked it or not.

The booths were the basic booths you would see at any carnival or fair. Nate bought some popcorn, pulled down his beard and munched as he happily watched the other two try to beat each other at the games. He felt like a proud father but the idea died the minute it was born when Chloe swiped his popcorn and chucked the bag at a beanbag toss to make up for her lost shot. Unfortunately for Nate, the crumpled bag made the goal and the booth manager stumbled as he gave her a huge, red candy apple with starstruck eyes. It seemed that wherever Chloe went, eyes followed-but not Nate's. He was too busy mourning the death of his popcorn.

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